Chapter 13 - Meeting With Mona

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A week had passed since Roxie had been attacked. Erica was still seeking for revenge, but with limited information there was not much she could do. She tried to reach out to Roxie, as she had heard that she was finally out of hospital, but Roxie was giving her the cold shoulder. Erica couldn’t understand why Roxie wasn’t talking to her, after actually digesting the whole situation she felt that she didn’t do anything wrong but if Roxie didn’t want to talk then she was prepared to give her the space she wanted. She knew she couldn’t keep dwelling on the past but instead began focusing on her main passion, getting money!

She had a meeting booked for Mona regarding the next season of love and hip hop New York. From this meeting, she would find out if she was still a valuable asset to the show. Erica had no worries, she knew that she was the star of the show and Mona would never decide to get rid of the main star: especially when she managed to pull in the most ratings for the show. The only thing she was actually worried about was Cyn. Since their hospital encounter, she hadn’t spoken to Cyn, neither of them had rang or texted each other. Erica didn’t feel she should have to be the one constantly chasing Cyn, especially after she declared her feelings for Cyn. So she felt their lack of communication was down to Cyn. Erica didn’t know who she would be expecting to see at this meeting. She knew Mona tended to have these meetings with people who were related to the storyline. Therefore, she knew there was a potential chance that Rich could be in this meeting but she prayed that he wasn’t. Likewise, Cyn could be there aswell which deep down she was hoping would be the case.

After stepping out the car and arriving at the VH1 headquarters, Erica smiled and said goodbye to Albee who gave her a lift. She walked towards the building, observing cars that were in the car park. She saw a black BMW similar to what Rich usually drives, but on closer observation she realised it wasn’t his. As sad as it was, Rich had a corny personalised number plate so she knew it would be easy to recognise his car. She spoke to the receptionist and then made her was up to the Love and Hip Hop area. After being greeted by the team, she sat down in the room and waited for Mona to arrive. After 10 minutes, she looked through the window panels, and saw some commotion. She also heard a voice she recognised. It was Cyn and she was heading towards the same room Erica was in. Clearly they were having the meeting together. As Cyn opened the door, Erica stood up and walked over to her. Despite their lack of interaction over the past week, Erica was still glad to see Cyn and this was shown through the huge smile she had on her face. She went over to hug Cyn, but she was faced with a cold and frosty feeling from her.

Erica: “Hi Cyn…”

Cyn: “Hi Erica”

Erica: “How have you been?”

Cyn: “Fine and yourself? Mona rang me last minute about this meeting.. I wonder what she wants?”

Erica: “Well it’s going to be about season 5”

Cyn: “Obviously I know that!” She said sarcastically. Erica gave her a confused looked. She was shocked by the way Cyn was acting, but nonetheless they were here for business. Erica could tell Cyn was extremely uninterested in what she had to say, so she sat back down. However, she was at least going to let Cyn know that she had been missing her.

Erica: “I have missed you…”

Cyn: “Hmmm, seems like it” Cyn avoided eye contact with Erica.

Erica: “What you mean by that? I don’t need to lie you know..”

Just as Cyn was about to respond they were cut off by the arrival of Mona. It was a good thing she came into the room as she brought a new positive energy to the current tense atmosphere. She greeted both ladies and sat down in her chair, behind the desk.

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