Chapter 17 - I Got You

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The day went surprisingly quick for Erica. After she had completed all her daily tasks, it was time for her to get ready for her gig. As she kept herself busy she didn't even have time to think about Cyn and their disagreement that they had earlier. However, when she looked through her Instagram and saw a photo uploaded by Cyn, all her feelings came back. As much as she tried to focus on what she was doing, slightly in her heart there was a little part of her that felt bad, that she never cancelled or decided not to go to any gigs so she could spend time with Cyn. But she was a money maker and the gigs were a good source of finance for her, it was just a shame that Cyn couldn't understand that. Regardless whether Cyn didn't like it or not, Erica had promised to attend the gig and that what was she was going to do. Whilst in her feelings, the door rang. Erica who was already in the kitchen went over to the door and greeted her guest. It was Albee, who came baring food. Erica ran to him and swung her arms around him as they hugged by the door.

Erica: "Hey babe, you are a life saver, I'm starving!"

Albee: "You know me, knight in shining albee"

Both of them starting laughing.

Erica: "Haa your crazy! After this we need to leave"

Albee: "Yeah, whos coming to get us?"

Erica: "Grace, and then the make-up artist and that are meeting us"

Albee: "Ok b, sounds like a plan, let me get some plates" He said that as he already made his way into the kitchen and started rummaging around to locate some plates.

As Erica went to sit down at the table, Albee brought over some plates and started dishing out the food for him and Erica. The way Erica was smiling looked like she hadn't eaten in days.

Albee: "You look like you are hungry"

Erica didn't even respond she was already digging into the food. After a hard day of work, she definitely needed this, she looked up to Albee and smiled. Albee just stared at her and laughed. He picked up his phone and started scrolling through his Instagram. He saw the photo of Cyn and rotated the photo to show Erica.

Albee: "She looks nice here"

Erica: "Yeah I already saw it"

Albee: "Oh yeah, sorry I forgot you stalk her page"

Erica: "Fuck off, no I don't!"

Albee rolls his eyes and gave her a concerned look. There was no point Erica trying to front because, she did have regular lurks through Cyn's page. Erica swore it was only to see how beautiful she was in her photos and nothing else.

Erica: "I only go on there to see how good she looks"

Albee: "Yeah right you know your ass is checking to see whose studying her"

They started to laugh. Erica couldn't deny that. Even though her and Cyn were not on the best of terms and weren't officially back together, she didn't want anyone messing with what was hers.

Erica: "Not even, but I do see some creeps trying it and I can't be having any of that"

Albee: "I know what you mean...what is the latest with you guys anyways? Weren't you there last night?"

Erica: "Yeah I was" She started to blush with a huge grin on her face.

Albee: "Them ones yeah, how did it go?"

Erica: "Albee you don't understand....the night was crazy and I mean crazy in a good way, the things we were doing.."

Albee: "I don't think I need to know all them details"

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