Chapter 20 - I'm Done

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Whilst Erica stood their holding the phone, Cyn looked at her with disgust. Cyn still didn't say anything, as she watched Erica look completely confused about the whole situation. Erica handed back Cyn her phone.

Cyn: "Stop it Erica, you know what this is!" The way Cyn looked at Erica, if only looks could kill, Erica would have been six feet under.

As shocked as she was Erica still had no clue what was going on. She couldn't believe her eyes, she snatched the phone back from Cyn and double checked what she had read. It was an article from a popular media website, with the title reading:

'Groupie reveals night of passion with Erica Mena, what about Cyn?'

Erica had no idea how she was going to respond to this.

Cyn: "Well Erica you can't deny it now"

Erica: "Seriously Cyn, do you believe this bullshit, I don't even know this girl"

Cyn: "Stop lying Erica! She knew you enough to have photos of you practically naked in your bed! And there's no arguing that the bed isn't yours! I have seen it many times!"

Erica was actually speechless for once. Usually she would have plenty to say to worm her way out of any situation but the evidence that was being presented made her look extremely guilty. She couldn't even remember this girl and her being in the house. The only thing she could think of was it being a set up? But then she thought how could that be possible, no-one would have access to photos of her like that, she didn't even send Cyn explicit photos like that. She stepped back from Cyn to try and make sense of the situation. As she re-read the article and looked carefully at the photo of the female, something clicked in her head. It was the woman she had argued with over a month ago. The mysterious female she had brought back to her house, the night she couldn't remember a thing. It made sense that she took photos of Erica, just so she could use them to her advantage and sell a story. Erica knew there was something concerning about her when they had their disagreement in the morning. But she hadn't slept with her, so at this stage Erica had to try and prove her innocence. She attempted to grab hold of Cyn, but Cyn was being resistant.

Erica: "Cyn baby it's not what it seems I didn't do anything! I never slept with her, I promise you that"

Cyn: "After all this, your still gonna stand in front of me and lie! DAMN YOU ERICA" As she started raising her voice, her normally calm and pleasant demeanour slowly changed and her face contorted in an all - consuming anger; her nostrils flaring, her eyes flashing and closing into slits, her words that were unintelligible came spewing into space like a volcano releasing its pent up emotions into the darkness. As she grabbed back the phone from Erica, Erica could see how angry Cyn was and decided to take several steps back. This was clever on Erica's behalf because before she knew it, Cyn's hand had closed into fists, she had lifted up her arm and let go throwing the phone towards Erica. As it travelled at what seemed like the speed of light, Erica managed to swiftly dodge the phone and watch it hit the wall behind her.


Erica stayed crouched down and watched the phone hit the wall and smash on the floor. As much as she loved when Cyn was angry and mad at her, this was a side to Cyn she hadn't seen before. She didn't know what to say to her, but look astonished by the way Cyn threw her phone at her. It was clear she was extremely mad. Erica realised this was probably what Albee was calling her about, she wished she had spoken to him to at least get the heads up, this way she could have been more prepared. Both Erica and Cyn stared at the phone on the floor.

Erica: "What the fuck was that for Cyn? Calm the fuck down, you don't even know if King is here and you damn lucky that phone didn't hit me Cyn!"

Erica was pissed that Cyn attempted to throw something at her, but she had to attempt to see why Cyn was so mad. If the phone had hit her or King was in the house, it would have been a different scenario for Cyn and Cyn definitely wouldn't be the only one throwing things.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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