Chapter 7 - Forget About It

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To avoid the fussing and the fighting, Cyn stormed out of the shop. She didn’t want to start an argument, not in that environment anyways. A tear began to roll down her eye, she wanted it to work so badly with Erica but there was always something and the lack of trust between the two was a constant struggle. Her mind was all over the place but she was more distraught than anything. She didn’t know if she wanted to cuss Erica out, if she wanted Erica to come running after her or if she wanted to just leave it alone. She went with the final option, to leave it alone and just go home. Cyn went to meet up with her assistant Mary because she needed some support and comfort from someone. When Mary saw her, she put her arms around Cyn and began to console her.

Mary: “What happened Cyn?” A concerned Mary asked. She knew in her head Erica clearly had done something wrong and Cyn didn’t deserve it.

Cyn was shaking. She didn’t know where her head was. Sounding as if she was able to cry, she said: “To be honest Mary, I don’t know what to do… There’s only so much my heart can take” She stood clinging onto Mary and didn’t let her go.

Mary attempted to wipe the tears on Cyn’s face and told her “Everything will be alright babe, I’m here for you.” Cyn looked at her and smiled. If she couldn’t be with Erica at this moment, the only other person she would want to talk to was Mary and she was there for her. Just like always.


Erica stood in shock, the last few moments hadn’t fully sunk into her yet. There was no point her running after Cyn and Erica knew this. Before Erica could fully engage with what happened, Cyn was already out the door. She could only turn her misery and anger towards Albee, who was standing there hopelessly. Albee tried to grab the last bits of Erica’s books and belongings to take the focus away from him, but he had no hope.

Erica’s nostrils began to flare and veins began popping out of her heard. She flung down her phone and began to storm towards Albee. He shielded himself and grabbed Erica’s arms.

Albee: “Erica stop it” He shouted. He knew he had done Erica wrong but there was no point her trying to attack him. He wanted them to be together not apart and he didn’t realise what he had said would cause this problem. Erica looked at him and stopped.

Erica: “Sorry, I don’t know what came over me, I just saw red.” She said to Albee apologetically. She shouldn’t be taking her frustration out on Albee although he was to blame. She understood the value of being in a relationship and the most important thing is that both individuals in the couple were able to be open with each other, which she hadn’t been. Albee put his hands up and around Erica and looked at her.

Albee: “I am sorry too girl, I thought you would have told her”

Erica: “I can’t blame you for everything that I do and have control over” She hugged Albee back and went over to grab her phone. There was only so long she could stay mad at Albee. He had been there through thick and thin, that was her best friend. But then again so was Cyn. Erica knew it would be pointless ringing Cyn but she was going to anyways. She let the phone ring, till it went to voice mail. She did this about three times whilst Albee stood there and watched her. He couldn’t do anything and he felt bad. In his mind, he was hoping that Cyn would answer but this was the case, until to their surprise on the final call, there was a voice. Unfortunately it wasn’t Cyn but someone else.

Voice: “Erica, she doesn’t want to talk to you at the moment”

Erica: “I know she doesn’t, but I want to talk to her, please?” The desperation in Erica’s voice was evident.

Voice: “Erica I’m sorry. It’s at her request” The person on the voice tried to reason with Erica.

Erica began to get agitated and annoyed. She was desperate to talk to Cyn but it wasn’t going to happen. “FINE, just tell her when she’s ready to talk so am I” The person on the phone hung up and in came Erica’s management team. Her manager Sally who was unaware of the recent event that had taken place, went over to hug Erica who was clearly upset.

Sally: “Well done today Erica! The turnover was amazing. The amount of books we sold girl! We defo going out tonight to celebrate” She said excitingly.

She began jumping up and down but stopped because Erica wasn’t joining in. Erica smiled at her, she was happy with how the meet and greet went but was devastated in the way it ended. However, Erica was Erica and she did have a good way of hiding her pain and misery. The only way she knew how to take her mind of things was to keep herself occupied and make her money.

Erica turned to Sally and asked: “Yeh, we did good! Bring on tonight then ”

Sally: “Drinks all around girl!” She was pulling faces and everything to try and cheer Erica up but it was hard work.

 Erica: “Okay… let’s get going then”

Erica said as she looked at her phone. Her background screen was of her and Cyn. Just looking at that screen made her feel some type of way but she had to stay focused. She posted her several photos on Instagram to make the fans know she what she was up to. When she refreshed her news feed, she saw that Cyn had uploaded a photo. It was photo of Cyn in a restaurant having a drink. She couldn’t believe after what happened that Cyn was out there having a good time. This made Erica angry. It was unfair that she should be the only one upset about what had happened. She hated that it was always her that had to do the chasing all the time. Her mind set completely changed. She thought to herself ‘FUCK IT’ she was going to make sure she had a good time tonight. She was getting paid for this appearance, she may aswell make the most out of it. 

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