Chapter 15 - Oh What A Night!

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Oh what a night! Erica woke up with a banging headache. She couldn’t even remember how the end of the night went but she knew she had a good night. She woke up smiling and she looked over to see a body lying in her bed. She didn’t remember bringing anyone back to house so she leant over the body to see who it was. To her horror, it was a mysterious brunette lady that she didn’t even recognise. Erica laid in her bed, in shock. She kept a confused look on her face and became generally concerned to how the night ended. She tried to think back to what happened, but she could only trace back to her phone conversation with Cyn. After that, any recall or memory of the night was a blur and blacked out. As Erica began banging her head against the pillow, the body next to her twitched and started to moving. The person turned round to face Erica and lifted their head above the covers.

Mysterious woman: “Morning Miss Mena”

Erica: “Ummm morning..” She said as she had a permanent look of confusion molded in her face. She didn’t know how to respond to the situation because she was unsure of what happened last night. She didn’t want to end up saying the wrong thing or implying something that she didn’t actually mean.

Mysterious: “Don’t look like that, nothing happened”

Erica felt a sigh of relief. For a brief moment she was generally concerned and was beginning to question what had actually happened. She knew there must have been some lead up to why this woman had ended up in her bed. But at least she had the satisfaction knowing that nothing had happened because in her heart she would have felt bad. Although, she was debating with herself, if anything had happened, why should she feel bad? Her and Cyn were on a break, so she was entitled to do what she wanted. Cyn did tell her to have a good night and in Erica’s mind a good night tends to end with good sex. As she thought about that she laughed in her head.

Erica: “Thank god!”

The woman looked at Erica with a smirk on her face.

Mysterious woman: “It could have happened if I wanted it too.”

Erica started to laugh but deep down she was feeling slightly guilty. Clearly she had done something to make this woman feel that they could of have sex. She didn’t want to dwell on it too much, she wanted to avoid the situation because she could only imagine the trouble it would cause. She was just simply glad that it never went that far.

Mysterious woman: “I was just about to go down on you, but you kept mumbling stuff and it kinda turned me off”

Erica continued to laugh, but in her head she was confused. Never had she been in situation where she was about to get laid and started mumbling things, especially things that would turn someone off. She found that particularly hard to believe. Even still, she was in no position to start piecing together her own version of how the night went because she didn’t know, she had to rely on what she was told. Nonetheless, with the headache she had she didn’t want to continue the conversation, so she attempted to divert the conversation.

Erica: “Not tryna be rude, but do you want me to call you a cab home or something?”

It was clear the woman ignored the question because she continued talking about the events from last night.

Mysterious woman: “So when I was about to do it, you kept mumbling something about Cyn. I didn’t know you was still with her?”

Erica: “No I wasn’t, don’t lie!” Erica couldn’t believe what the woman was telling her. She thought to herself as if she would be crying out for Cyn in that type of situation.

Mysterious woman: “Serious Erica, you kept calling for her, saying all types of things. I think you were imagining Cyn being with you”

Erica was not amused by what the woman was saying so she began to become agitated. She knew what this woman was explaining could not possibly be true.

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