I'm just going to rant

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I don't curse much but down there👇I will be cussing a bit. 

As most of you know Aqours had a fan meeting in Shanghai. And from what I've heard I am just disappointed and angry at this fandom. I really like this fandom I really do, but what those people have done my liking of love live decreased a bit. It doesn't mean I'm not in the fandom. I still gonna be here, but I'm just disappointed and disgusted thanks to a few.

Firstly when it comes to going on fan meets like this one they usually go to places in Japan, South Korea, China and U.S.A. I've only been in this fandom for a year and I might be wrong about the places they've gone to. Then the rest of us are like- "How lucky! You can get to meet them, face to face and enjoy their songs, LIVE!"  but I guess not all fans are like that, being grateful because they got to see a live show.

I was just telling my friend how proud and happy I was when everyone in the crowd started to cheer Rikako up when she had that panic attack in the first live. I was so happy that I was in a fandom where we support our seiyuus for all their hard work and even if they mess up we don't care as long as they are alright. But I guess some of us in the fandom are not like this. My mood had gone from a 100% to a 0 in just a matter of seconds.

I know I'm getting too worked for this but what they did was WRONG. You don't go tell a person whose voice is absolutely amazing that their  voice sucks and insult them even more. Unfortunately that happened to Suwawa. Next Anchan received a freaking bottle of semen. Now in my opinion that's like the limit of insulting a person. Then there's Shukashu who received a 18+ doujinshi from the fans. What's worse is that You is the poster girl for China and this insults not only Shukashu but You as well. I don't even know what to say to all of this, except that I am disgusted by their behavior. The three of them - no all of them, all 9 of them worked so hard and are such good people and they just insult them! It's just awful of them to do such a thing. I feel bad for Aqours and all those innocent fans who went there to just enjoy the live and to be destroyed by a bunch of asses. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE SEIYUU DON'T BOTHER THEM, DON'T INSULT THEM AND DO NOT DO ANYTHING RUDE. THEY ARE HUMAN BEINGS TOO!

I think, no I'm sure that the three of them would be upset after this incident. They didn't deserve it. Any of this shit that happened over there. Now the only thing the rest of us can do is support them as much as we can, with all our might, just like we did to Rikako when she had a panic attack on stage. After all they do have more fan meetings, the Hakodate Carnival and Aqours 3rd Live.  In my opinion those bastards deserve a lesson and must repent on what they did and Hopefully Aqours don't go over there again so that it won't happen again, though the fans who went there to enjoy will suffer(unfortunately). And I would like for all of you who ever has a twitter account(cause I don't and I can't make one thanks to mom ) to show your support to Aqours cause this was just plain wrong.

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