My PJO/HoO headcannon for µ's

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Ahh, been a long time since I updated this. 

((Something irrelevant: I don't think I'm gonna be alright after the movie releases ;-;))

Honoka: Daughter of Zeus. Claimed at the same time Umi was. It was just a simple argument. At the Hermes' table Umi told her to stop eating bread as it would make her fat(Honoka had a huge stack of bread btw(She was disappointed that she had to give a bit of her food the "parent" she never knew). Honoka said no. Umi angrily took the plate away from her and the whole stack of bread fell to the floor and so Honoka "awoke the power" of using lighting and almost hit Umi. Umi who was furious summoned the water in the lake without realizing and drenched Honoka(Kotori stood between the 2 to stop them and they did by fainting).

Umi: Daughter of Poseidon. Claimed along with Honoka. The camp was surprised yet not so surprised. Not surprised cause it was just to obvious(tho there were rumors she might be the daughter of Athena or Apollo) and surprised because there's another child of the big three. *cue fear of another huge prophesy among the campers*

Kotori: Daughter of Hephaestus. For a girl who had the aura of a child of Aphrodite, little did anyone expect her to be the child of her "husband".(Meanwhile Aphrodite wonders who's daughter she is and wishes she was her daughter tho she knows she isn't. Even though she's shocked at how her husband she hates can have a beautiful girl like her she still considers Kotori as her fav demigod. Cue rough love life*anemone heart plays in the background*). Kotori not that long since she enter camp she was loved by her fellow campers. She immediately befriended the Aphrodite cabin(Nico was a bit jealous but secretly like her as well). She gave them fashion and makeup tips and helped them those who were making clothes. Everyone loved when she baked. She could even bake a cake that made Dionysus lighten up a bit. After finding out she was Hephaestus' daughter she incorporated both fashion and weaponry to create a brand that was famous between both Romans and Greeks.

Nozomi: Daughter of Hecate blessed by Athena. She came to camp before any of the other members did. She ran away from home surviving the wrath of monsters and everything. She's one of the strongest demigods at camp tho it may take some convincing(or just Eli) to push to her full potential. Her mother is very proud tho Nozomi doesn't know that... yet. Apollo who sometimes visits tells her that if she were mortal he would have made her the oracle of Delphi.

Eli: Daughter of Mars. She was blessed by Khione during a quest that gave her ice powers. She became the praetor of the twelfth legion, working with Tsubasa the other praetor. Also when Camp Half blood and Camp Jupiter had a exchange program she seemed to grow fond of a certain daughter of Hecate. Artemis found Eli to be perfect to become a huntress but Eli politely declined tho Artemis said that if she ever wanted to join she can join any time she likes

Nico: Daughter of Aphrodite. At first look she may not look like one at sight thus when she was claimed as Aphrodite's daughter, everyone was shocked including her. She found out that the "mom" she called all her life was just her step mom which came as a huge blow to her but even then she loved her and her step siblings. Even tho Nico was happy she was Aphrodite's daughter she also hated it. She stood by those in her cabin who she liked and fight against those who would hurt them. Aphrodite was initially disappointed but then came to like her and accept her daughter.

Maki: Daughter of Apollo. She was claimed as soon as she stepped foot into camp. It was quite obvious that's she was his daughter due to the skills she possessed and her background but that only meant pressure. She stays in the infirmary most of the time, fixing up wounded demigods.

Rin: Daughter of Hermes. Fast on her feet, playing pranks on the Aphrodite cabin and stealing. It came all to easy for her. Tho she stopped stealing She bonded with Hanayo ever since Hanayo stepped foot into the cabin before being claimed and became close friends. There are rumors that Rin stopped stealing because of Hanayo. Btw she was very young when she came to camp and sometimes teams up with Nozomi for executing them. Demeter cabin is never attacked by the Hermes cabin for reason no one knows(maybe).

Hanayo: Daughter of Demeter. Isn't this a bit to obvious? She was claimed the next day after she came. A close friend to Rin and later befriends the medic Maki. She has a soft heart but if anyone were to hurt something she cared or knock her rice down she could be quite scary... she had the power to grow plants at her command though she prefers the natural way of growing plants. When she isn't with Rin or eating rice she hangs out with the nymphs and satyrs thinking of ways to save the planet. Occasionally gives the strawberries grown at CHB along with the roses grown in her cabin as a present to Rin. 

I'm making some for Aqours so expect that soon :)

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