Mixer Manhunt

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Sorry it's been a while, but Life happens. I have 3 jobs, school, and a social life. So sorry if it's been a while. I love you guys more then anything. Enjoy!!

The girls woke up, knowing this was the day they have to face the world. It's been two weeks since the attack, and the girls were allowed to leave the hospital today. They're has been rumors about what happened, but the girls all kept quiet, and stayed off social media and everything. The mixers have been up in arms, extremely worried about what terrible thing has happened that kept their idols in the hospital, in seclusion for two weeks. The headlines have been stupid to say the least. 

Perrie and Jade from Little Mix injured after a wild night Fucking

'Jerrie' Rushed to Hospital after ceiling falls on them

Witnesses Describe Scene as the Two Geordie's From Little Mix Get Rushed to Hospital

Jade and Perrie rushed to Hospital,  Details Sketchy

What happened to Jerrie?! 

None of the headlines we're close to the truth and in a way they were glad.  They weren't ready for the world to now just yet. 

"You ready?" Perrie asked the older Geordie. 

"I think so, What if the Mixers think I are disgusted by me? " She began to cry,  Perrie pulled the Geordie into  her. 

"Oh babe,  they would never think that. They have been so worried about us? They have made petitions to try and get into the hospital.  They are up in arms trying to find out what happened.  You will never have to worry about them hating you." She hugged the girl closer,  and held her. 

Jesy came in with a apologetic look.  "Sorry girlies,  but the outside of the hospital is packed with fans and paparazzi.  I will try to go out there and tell them to respect your space. " The Essex girl left the two alone once more. 

"Just grab onto my hand,  and squeeze if you need help OK.  We will have all the security,  and Norma and Karl.  It's ok. " The blonde bombshell reassured the tan beauty,  also trying to calm her own nerves.  She can't stand the thought of someone hurting Jade again on her watch.  Dr.  Prescott came in with a smile.  She has become really good friends with the girls during their stay. 

"How are you both feeling? " She asked with a smile. Both girls jumped at the sudden voice.  "Sorry didn't mean to startle you. "

"We're Ok,  I'm still a little sore,  but I'll pull through" The tanned girl said returning the smile.

"That's good,  I am glad, you can make an appointment later for your follow ups in a couple weeks.  It was really good meeting you both,  sorry it was under these circumstances." Dr.  Prescott said sincerely.

"Thank you, and we will be seeing you in a couple weeks.  Thank you so much for all you've done for us.  We will definitely be putting in a good word with the mixers. " Perrie said shaking the doctors hand. 

"Thank you,  the pleasure was all mine.  Good luck with the zoo outside." She gave one last smile and left the room. 

The girls knew there were going to be a lot of people outside,  but nothing could compare to just how many there were.  Over 300 people at least.  Jesy came up.

"I called the police,  and the rest of our security to help.  I tried to tell everyone to respect your space,  Most fans agreed, but the paps don't care.  Sorry. " Jesy said Apoligetically. 

"It's fine thank you truly Jesy, you are amazing, but I'm more worried about Jade.  We have to make sure no one touches her,  tell police to keep an eye out for anyone suspicious. " The blonde asked.

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