class trip

307 9 3

(not edited)

You yawned as you sat down on the
chair in the plain white painted room.

You hated this place.

And everyone in it.

Today was the first day after summer break. Everyone was exitedly chatting with their neighbour, so you were the only one who noticed the tall man who walked into the room.

He was wearing a white flannel shirt, tugged into a blue, skinny jeans. His hair, pale blonde colored, was styled nicely out of his face, revealing a gorgeous forehead and even more gorgeous brows.

Since you were seated in the first row, right in front of him, you could smell the strong, dominant and oddly good scent of his cologne.

As he noticed, that you stared at him, he gave you a small smile, cute dimples showing up and making you blush as you quickly took your gaze away from him.

Finally, he cleared his throat and, like someone pushed a button, the room got silent, all students were eyeing the young man in the front of the room curiously.

"Now that I have your attention.", he started. "My name's Kim. For this year, I'll be your English teacher.", he explained. His voice was dark and deep, kind of relaxing and, even if he seemed to be in a good mood, it had something harsh in it.

He started the lesson by explaining, how the grades in his classes would be divided, he even set the dates for tests already. You could feel the respect coming from your classmates, as they listened to him, taking up his words, memorizing everything.

You noticed his beautiful, delicate but still manly hands, as he went to write down names in his yellow book, that almost every teacher got.


A week passed by, and quickly turned into a month, then two, then three.

One day he was late. That never happened before. He was always on point.
But of course he had a reason to be late.

"The principal talked to me today.", he started. "I'm coming with on your class trip."

As he told you, he was looking straight into your eyes.

You blushed, fumbling with your paper.
"Therefore.", he started again, pulling his gaze away from you. "You need to get into pairs, for the rooms. Instruction clear?"

Everyone nodded, starting to pair up quickly.

But who was left alone?



Mr. Kim gave you a small smile. "You can get a room for yourself, (Y/N), would that be okay?", he asked.

Again, your face flushed. Now everyone knew that you didn't have a partner. Great.

Still, you nodded at your teacher.


The week of your class trip came faster than you liked.

Soon your found yourself sitting in the full bus, alone, without a seatmate. But honestly, you were happy with that. No one who annoyed you, talked to you or interrupted your sleep. 

Except for your teacher, of course. Mr. Kim pulled one of your earphones out and you looked at him, somewhat surprised.

His hair wasn't styled today and he looked just cute to you. Not like a teacher. Just extremely adorable. Actually, Namjoon was walking boyfriend material, at least in your opinion. 

"Alone again?", he asked, a smile spreading across his beautiful face.

"It's's fine...", you managed to get out. He understood and nodded. "Understandable. Have a good trip then!", he chuckled deeply and continued walking through the bus, counting students and checking if everyone was there.

Namjoon was worried, when he saw you sitting all by yourself. Yes, he knew you didn't really like your classmates. And he noticed that they didn't like you a lot either.


After about two hours that felt like an eternity, the bus came to a stop as you had arrived the hostel, finally. The building looked pretty old from the outside. It had something from an old castle. You spotted some cute balconies and a huge garden with ponds and fountains. 

The suitcases were handed to all of you and the group went to the check-in.

The lobby had a high ceiling and looked pretty comfortable. There were places with laptops along with beanbags and couches to sit in. A lot of plants and flowers were placed everywhere and gave the room a nice, fresh feeling.

After the keycards were handed to everyone, you were allowed to explore the building on your own.

[A/N] I hope you like it! Don't be a silent reader, vote and comment~

teach me love. || knjOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora