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(not edited)

"So what do you say? Ice cream date, yes or no?"


You were a bit overwhelmed. You definetly did not expect anyone, especially not Taehyung, to ask you out on a date.

And you didn't know what to say back. You wanted to go out with him, but same time, there was Mr. Kim in the back of your mind... 


You had to get some distance between him and yourself. What happened had to be forgotten. It was unhealthy and wrong. It crossed a border that one shouldn't even get close to. He knew it. You knew it. He was your teacher, after all. A student should hate their teachers and not fall for them.


"That sounds nice.", you smiled at the tall boy, causing him to smile widely. "Good! Let's do that then, in two days, yeah? I'll pick you up in the afternoon~" You nodded. So you had a date now. With Tae.


Namjoon felt weird. He didn't understand why you rushed away from him ike that. Were you upset? Did he do something wrong? He didn't get why you had changed your mind so suddenly. He thought you liked him, no, he knew it. You always blushed around him, you listened to every word he said. He noticed that and it made him very happy.

But you ran away from him and now, you were around Taehyung again. He put a flower in your hair and Namjoon had to admit, it made you look a million times cuter than you already were. The pink of the delicate bloom matched the colour of your lips perfectly.

Your lips.

Namjoon liked them. They looked soft, even though they were a bit dry. He knew, because he used to watch you applying lip balm on them during his lessons. He chuckled at the memory. 

A female voice knocked him out of his mind. "Namjoon, you should really go look after the three boys! I can't find them.", it was Mrs. Miller. He looked at her, lightly annoyed. "Elizabeth, I bet they're okay. They will come back in time.", he tried to calm her, since he didn't need her yelling at the moment. But the shook her head frantically. "I don't think so. It's the usual three, Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung. And they had a girl with them. That's why I'm so worried.", she shouted, making Namjoon get up. His eyes widened a little when his coworker mentioned the girl, figuring it would be you. So he followed her.


You didn't feel good, when Tae dragged you with him and his friends. Jimin had spotted a little coffee shop on your tour. "We're not allowed to go that far...", you protested, but none of the boys really listened. "Come on, Y/N, don't you want a good coffee too? You have to admit, the stuff from the hotel isn't the best.", Jungkook laughed, patting your shoulder as the four of you made their way out of the old district of the town. "Will we at least be back in time...?", you asked Taehyung quietly. He chuckled. "Just trust us once."

A sigh left your mouth. It wasn't bad right? All of you were just going to get coffee, come back in time and no one would even notice.

Well. You were wrong. The coffee took longer than you thought, because one of the machines were broken and the barista didn't know how to fix it. and instead of just going out without the coffee, the boys waited around. Meanwhile, the two teachers had searched almost everywhere, finding the boys half an hour later.

And now you were in trouble.

While Mrs. Miller was almost yelling  at the boys and you about how irresponsible you acted and how much they worried, Mr. Kim had his eyes locked with yours. He was obviously upset, his gaze dark and sometimes he nodded, supporting his colleague.

After the woman was done, he stepped to the front. "Guys, that's really not okay. Don't you have enough problems already?", his eyes were on the boys. "All of you will go and help in the kitchen today during the free time.", then he turned to you. "We'll have a talk later, young lady.", he said, his voice cold, icy. With those words, the teachers left the lobby, leaving you lone.

Now you remembered why you preferred staying away from your classmates: They always got into problems. You were upset and disappointed, and you absolutely didn't want to help in the kitchen, even less with them around you.

But your mind was changed pretty quickly, by Taehyung taking your hand. "I'm...very sorry.", he mumbled. "Please don't cancel the date...give me a second chance, please.", he made puppy eyes. "Just don't get me in trouble again.", you sighed, looking down at your hands in his. He squeezed them gently. 

"Now you just have to survive the talk with Mr. Kim.", Jungkook said after a while.



As you sat in front of your teacher, you regret everything even more than you did already. He had his legs crossed, sitting in his chair and looking at you. You were nervous, obviously, and a little scared too, since the two of you were alone together. He didn't smile. Actually, there was no hint of any emotion on his face at all. "Why.", was the only thing he said and you looked to the ground. "Th-they wanted to get coffee, a-and the just dragged me with-"

"No. Not that.", he interrupted you. "I want to know why you ran away from me before."

[A/N] Oooh~ Vote, comment and share~~

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