nights & mornings

142 8 0

(I typed this whole thing on my phone so there might be more typos in it than usual, I'm sorry (シ. .)シ)

Tired, you plopped down on his bed. He chuckled, sitting next to you. "You know, if you're not okay with sleeping here, it's fine...I can just sleep on the couch or something." He smiled at you. You shook your head. "It's fine, Joon.", you said, nuzzling into the pillows. They smelled good.

Carefully, Namjoon let himself lay next to you, making sure to keep enough distance between the two of you as he carefully took your hand. Getting a bit of confidence, you inched a bit closer to him. "Do you want to watch a movie?", he asked, letting your hand go and grabbing his laptop as you nodded excitedly. He moved so he could lean against the headboard. You placed your head on his chest, smiling as you took in his smell. You loved his cologne so much. 

By now, you didn't feel weird around him anymore. At least not if it was just the two of you. Though, at school it was different. He kept smirking and winking in your direction during lessons and you were afraid, someone could notice what was going on between the two of you. It was hard to call him by his surname, too. Since you were used to calling him Namjoon by now.

The two of you were really caught up in the movie you had picked. After some time, you felt Namjoon's lips touching your neck softly. "Joon...stop...", you hissed lightly. But he didn't.

As you turned to look down at him, you found him asleep, his head had fallen against your neck and he was snoring quietly. You smiled at that and closed the laptop. He mumbled something to himself and shifted a little so he was laying next to you, holding you tight to him. Carefully, you runned your hand through his hair, surprised by how soft it was. His eyes opened at that and he smiled at you softly, pulling you into him. "Tell me if you're uncomfortable.", he mumbled and placed his hand on the small of your side. You put your hand on his, goosebumps forming on your arms as his thumb stroked against your fingers gently.

The two of you didn't fall asleep right away, though. You laid there with your eyes open, enjoying Namjoon's warm body, his breath on your head and his hand on your side.

Namjoon didn't feel much different. He was happy to be with you like that, though, he really wanted to kiss you. He stared at your lips from his position -you were spooning- and he kept biting his own. It had been a month already since you considered each other as partner and he really wanted to know how your lips would feel on his.

"Y/N...are you still awake?", he asked quietly after some time. When you didn't answer and he saw your closed eyes he sighed sadly. "Nevermind then...sleep well.", he kissed the corner of your mouth quickly before also closing his eyes and eventually falling asleep.


The morning was chill. Namjoon's roommates still didn't return, so he made breakfast and coffee for the two of you. (Though, you made the fried eggs, since cooking didn't count to his talents at all.)
"Tomorrow school starts again..", he swirled the spoon around in his cup. "Yeah I know.", you mumbled, looking up at him. "I still have so many problems in math...Mrs. Miller can't explain shit..", you huffed, making him giggle. "I'll help you, of course.", he winked. "You help me with so much already...", you mumbled, feeling bad for taking so much of his time. He snickered as he stroked your hair. "Don't worry, sweets. You can make it up to me someday.", a knowing smirk was playing on his lips.
You hit his shoulder lightly. "Ouch!", he laughed and tickled your stomach. "When do I have to get you home?", he asked as you caught his hands to stop his attacking. "I'll take the parents are home, after all.", he nodded, placing a soft kiss on your nose. "Fine then. But not too soon right?". You shrugged. "I'm supposed to be home at noon. For lunch.". He nodded. "Good. Let's cuddle a little more, yeah? Since I'll be very busy next week."

So some minutes later, the two of you were watching tv on the couch. But to be honest, the morning programme was pretty boring and soon you focused on Namjoon. Your hands started playing with his and you nuzzled into his side. "Jooooonie~", you whined, causing him to look down at you. "I need attention.", you laughed. He did the same and started another tickling attack. It was fun first, but soon he was on top of you, your wrists pinned over your head as he stared at your lips. "Let me try something."


[A/N] Hi! Please leave some comments/constructive criticism and tell me how you liked it~ I hope the chapter isn't too boring, I'm not that happy with it. But hey. It's enough for filling a gap so I guess it's fine.

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