the basement

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(not edited)

Your gaze travelled up to him. "R-ran away from you...?", you asked, just to make sure what you just heard was right. He nodded. "Yes. Did I do something wrong? Because if yes...I want to make sure I don't do it again.", he added, his eyes now being softer.

You looked around the room, the flower falling out of your hair because of your head turning. Mr. Kim picked it up carefully. You watched him turning the small thing around in his fingers. "It's pretty.", he said. "Just like you."

Blush rose to your cheeks at the compliment. "T-thank you, Mr. Kim.", you smiled sheepishly. He chuckled deeply. Then he put the rose back in your hair, looking you over. His face was inches from yours and you were looking straight into his eyes. He, however, was staring at your lips, his own even twitching lightly. "Mr. Kim...", you whispered.

Namjoon pulled his eyes away from your lips, looking into your eyes as well now. He gulped, then stepped away from you. He couldn't do this. Not here, not now, not like that. He wanted to...but the last bit of doubt an hesitation in his head was overpowering at the moment. You seemed to be uncomfortable with the situation so he leaned back in his chair. "I'll have to inform your parents about what happened.", he explained.

You were confused. How could his mood change that quick? You wanted the gentle atmosphere back somehow. Even though the closeness to your teacher made you feel weird and a little overwhelmed, you still liked it. "Mr. Kim, please don't...", you begged but he just shook his head. "You made me worry a lot. Next time think before you go somewhere with Taehyung.". His eyes darkened. "But Jimin was the one who-", you started, but he interrupted you again. "I don't want to hear that.", he said, his tone kinda harsh. An act of jealousy.

With a small nod and a quiet "Okay, Mr. Kim.", he let you go. Finally. 

As you opened the door to the corridor, you found Taehyung waiting in front of it. "How was it?", he wanted to know. "what did he say? Was it bad?", you just shook your head and decided to change the topic. "Don't we have to go to the kitchen now?"


Helping in the kitchen wasn't as bad as you imagined it. All you had to do was getting the dishes from the eating area to the dishwashers. Nothing more. With some good teamwork, the four of you were done in half an hour. That was good, because you had to go to your rooms and get ready to check out, since you were about to leave next morning and you were spending the evening around town. It was nothing special. There was a guided tour and you were allowed to buy souveniers for friends and family.

Mr. Kim hadn't spoken a single word to you since you had been in his room, and that kinda made you sad. But you didn't want to say something to him just yet.

You waited till the next morning, as all of you were putting their bags and suitcases back into the bus. "Mr. Kim, can you help me?", you called for him, struggling with the suitcase. He came over to you, laughing lightly at you having problems. "Of course, Y/N.", he took your suitcase his hands touching yours as he did. "Are you excited to go home?", he asked. You shrugged. "I liked it here, it's a pity we could only stay for two days.", you answered, smiling uo at him. He nodded, agreeing. "I can't wait to be home!", Taehyung interrupted the conversation between you and your teacher. "Yeah? Why is that?", Mr. Kim asked, trying to act interested.

Taehyung smiled his box smile. "Because Y/N and I are going on a date!"


Namjoon felt betrayed. Did you really just act like you were interested in him? To get better grades? He felt his heart hurting and at the same time he couldn't believe how stupid he had been. Thinking a student could actually fall in love with him. He cared for you. He did. And you just disappointed him like that. He felt used.

It was a week now since that happened. You and Taehyung had become pretty close, the two of you got along so well, almost everyone thought you were a couple. Namjoon had moved you from the front seat to the back, so he didn't have to see you anymore. On some days he remembered your sleeping form when he had brought you into your room and he wished he just stayed the night there.  He cursed himself over and over again for believing there could be something between you and him.

In the break before the biology lesson, your teacher had sent you into the basement to get a poster of the human brain. As you were searching the shelves, you heard Mr. Kim enter the room as well. You felt bad when you saw him. He didn't smile at you anymore, he didn't even pay attention to you. Your oral grades in his lessons fell rapidly and he acted like an asshole around you. He started giving more homework, more essays, he was stricter. And now he was in one room with you. Alone. You decided to leave and tell your biology teacher that you didn't find the poster.

But that plan didn't work out. As you wanted to open the door, the handle fell off. It was locked now. Panicking, you looked around. "Mr. Kim...", you mumbled. He ignored you. Of course. "Mr. Kim, the door...doesn't open anymore..", you voice was very high pitched, you were scared. And if that wasn't enough already, the lights turned off as well.

You heard Mr. Kim sighing. "Fuck.", he whispered over and over. "We'll have to wait till they notice that we're away.", he hummed. "Sit down. It may take some time.", his voice was calm, the exact opposite of how you were feeling. The dark was scary, it was cold and the air was really bad down there. You couldn't help but to start to cry.

Not long after, two strong arms wrapped around you. "Mr. Kim what-"

"Namjoon. Say Namjoon."

Your teacher hugged you tight, pulling you into his lap. You were pressed against his chest, feeling his warm breath above your head. "Don't cry, Y/N.", he whispered.

Namjoon almost cried himself, that's how happy he was that he could hold you like that right now. He believed it was fate that the two of you were locked up now. And he wanted to apologize.

You hid your face into his chest, starting to feel more comfortable. His arms protected you, like a precious tresure.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N.", he said, after a short minute of silence. "For what?", you mumbled back. His grip tightened. "I'm...I will be very honest with you now, okay? I know it's a strange moment to tell you this, and I beg you to not be weirded out.", he started. You pushed away from his chest a little. "Okay.", you said, trying to sound confident.

"I saw how you were looking at me. And I know that you saw how I looked at you. On the trip...when I took you to bed..I care so much for you. I really like you...I-I know it's weird and I'm so sorry...but I had to tell you..". You stayed silent.

You wanted to tell him you felt the same way, you wanted to reassure him that you didn't think it was weird. But there was Taehyung...

Mr. Kim's -or Namjoon's- hand brushed your hair back gently. "Please...say something.", he begged.

[A/N] Things getting serious lol. Vote, comment, share~~

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