1. "Meet the Clifford's"

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"Meet The Clifford's".

Marinas POV

I sighed as I pulled my mildly tangled jet black hair into a messy bun.

"Why did we have to move again?"

I blurted out loud not thinking at all.

My dad who was behind the wheel replied to me with a sigh and my mother who was across from my dad in the passengers seat ran her slightly wrinkled hand through her milky light brown hair.

I then noticed I wasn't getting an answer and slumped down in my seat in the back.

'I look absolutely nothing like my parents'.

I thought quietly in my head.


While Marina had black long hair that reached up to her mid section on her back, her mother had light wispy brown hair almost blondish that reached down to her shoulders and her father had dirty blonde hair with a hint of gray in it.

Marina was cursed with brown dull eyes while her parents had matching baby blue ones that shined ever so brightly.

She concluded a long time ago she was adopted while her parents told her she wasn't and belonged to them.

She absolutely knew that was a huge lie.

They had been moving around lately, jumping from town to town, "searching for a perfect place to finally call home" which was what her mother had told her.

That was also a lie.

She could tell when people were lying, especially her parents who lied all the time.

The car drove into a town.

The town itself seemed very small but not really. It had a school, a diner, houses, apartments, and other things she didn't care to see.

Her father drove up to a two-story house that looked ancient and in some ways, beautiful.

Marina found old rustic things beautiful in their own way.

She stepped out of the car and closed the door gently.

Her father and mother did so too.

She walked up to the house in her totally black converse. She then opened the door to see a small woman with full on almost white blonde hair. Her name tag read "Doris Day".

"Oh hi there!" she greeted and she approached my family and I.

"Oh you must be the Cliffords!" she said gleefully.

My dad nodded his head.

"This way to the kitchen"! she said as she sashayed away into another room.

My father and mother followed quickly behind.


Marinas POV

I watched as my parents followed after the blonde woman into another room.

Time to explore.

I cautiously walked up the stairs as they moaned and groaned as I stepped on them.

I walked around the second floor looking at the rooms.

They still had posters and bed sheets and other personal belongings.

Had the owners just packed up and moved away?

Well scratch that, they didn't pack up, they seemed to just leave.


I continued looking in rooms until I saw one that seemed to used to belong to a girl my age because of all the posters and radio and books.

I then decided this would be my room.

"Marina!!" my mother called down at the bottom of the stairs.

I quickly ran out of the room and raced down the stairs to my mother.

We then walked outside to the patio.

My dad and Doris continued to negotiate a deal.

"I don't know" my dad mumbled...

Since my dad had no clue what to do or what to say, I decided for him.

"We'll take it".


Marina has an older brother that is going to arrive in the next chapter.

;) guess what his name is?

Song of chapter.' : The Outsider by Marina and The Diamonds

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