10. "More than friends."

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"More than friends".

Marinas POV

Ever since the first sleepover I had with Lucie, you could find me either in McDonald's at 3:00 a.m or in Lucies house.

I wouldn't bring myself to admit it but, half the time I came to Lucies house was to see Ashton.

Ashton and I became friends in no time and soon Lucie found out and now she gushes on how cute me and Ashton would be.

I couldn't agree more.

Ethan stopped bothering me and that made me even happier.

I had absolutely no time for him.

But I had plenty of time for Ashton.

I had a test to study for and Lucie offered to help. She also suggested a sleepover and with that thought I smiled. She smirked already knowing I enjoyed being near Ashton.

I agreed to her idea since today was Friday and we had two free days.

We were talking about the sleepover while walking to school.

As usual, Ashton would meet us there.

"Hey Ashton!" I greeted as we approached him.

"Hey Mar". he greeted right back.

"Oh so, I'm invisible now?" Lucie asked sounded annoyed.

"No you're just Lucie". Ashton replied with a smirk.

I responded with a giggle.

"Ha Ha". Lucie said sarcastically.

Soon Ashton departed from us and went to his group of friends.

Which included my brother.


I parted ways with Lucie as I went to drink from the water fountain which was next to a storage closet.

In an instant, my life flashed before my eyes when I was pulled into the storage closet.

One hand was around my waist and one was on my mouth.

As an act of defense, I bit one of the fingers on the hand that covered my mouth hard.

I was pushed off the body in an instant. I turned around to see Ethan with now a bloody left hand with a bite mark on the middle finger.

"You know I missed you hurting me".

He replied weakly with a smirk.

"What do YOU want?' I spat, tasting the familiar bile in my mouth.

"I want to apologize for everything really, I feel like a huge douche bag and I want to be friends". He said calmly and smoothly, looking down at his hands.

"I won't forgive you!" I yelled.

"I can't". My voice soften and I looked down.

"I just can't, I really wish I could bu-

I was stopped mid sentence by Ethan's lips crashing into mine.

I suddenly felt the bile rise up in my throat.

I tried to push him away but he had grabbed my wrists and I tried to kick him but he had pushed me against the wall.

I finally gave in and thrusted my fingers into his hair making him moan.

Soon his grip on my wrists loosened and now were around my waist. I then saw the opportunity to kick. And I did, very very hard.

I then ran out of his grasp and out of the closet. I avoided Ashton and Lucie's questions all the way to class and sat down and averted all her questions about Ethan until Ethan came in with a bloody hand, a confused face, and messy hair.

"ETHAN WHAT HAPPENED?!" All the girls crowded around him showing worry on their faces loaded with makeup.

I put my head down and Lucie's worry grew.

"Are you okay?" "Does this have to do with Ethan?" she asked worryingly.

After she asked that, the PA system came on.

"Marina Clifford, please report to the front office for early dismissal". said a nasally voice.

I sighed.

"Thank god." I thought.

I threw my bag over the shoulder and Lucie grabbed my wrist.

"Is the sleepover still on?" she asked.

I nodded slowly.

As I made my way to the door of the classroom, Ethan grabbed my wrist as the girls gasped.

I yanked away from his grasp and walked out of the classroom.


I was surprised to my mom in the front office, running a hand through her hair.

"Honey there's been an emergency".

She pulled me out of the school and opened the car door for me.

I got in, very worried I might add.

"What happened?". I finally asked.

"In order to bag the client, your dad needs you to babysit".


I screamed at my totally insane mom.

"Listen honey, if your dad doesn't get this client we might have to move again".

"The clients that important huh?"

I questioned.

"You have no idea". my mom said as she started the car in motion.


"C"mon" by 1D?

Idek guys


kiss kiss


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