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Garrison White – Also known as The Blue Savior. A young man that was supposed to be in the UK military until his life took a different turn. He is the founder of the Freedom Fighters that operated mostly in London. He does not have any meta-human abilities like some of the members and rivals, but he is capable of fighting tactfully and strategically whether with teammates or alone. He is the first of The Freedom Fighters to have been captured and perished at the hands of the root of the world's European Criminal Underworld that is in The United Kingdom; being dealt with by the main group on above all crime syndicates, The Establishment.

Flo Daggers – She is the main leader of the Freedom Fighters after Garrison's sudden disappearance and death. Just like most of the Freedom Fighters, Flo, who is from Oxford, UK, joined because she wanted to help and also wanted to better improve her abilities for she had trouble controlling them when she was very young. Flo Daggers has great physical strength and could generate a small force wave that can knock opponents back, accompanied by her combat skills. Flo's vision for London and all of the United Kingdom is to find better solutions to bring peace and tranquility to all, one of the reasons why she is also an activist, which brought on a lot of influence from others, even those who later created the group who became known as The Faceless. Flo also has a sister named Lisa Daggers, who lives with the remainder of the family in Liverpool.

Alec Bellton – Alec is one of the oldest members of the Freedom Fighters. His abilities consist of changing his hands and feet into stone and or metal in combination with basic fighting capabilities. Alec is a single father who cares for two children (Max and Madeline) for his wife had died sometime ago due to 2 forms of cancer that claimed her life, leaving Alex to care for the children. Alec joined Garrison soon to fight crime when he discovered his abilities and wanted to honor his wife by doing well and wanting his children to see that their father is someone who would fight to protect them.

Bella Frost – Former Military Police who went on missions that either consist of aiding, protecting or acting as a guard for British officials. Bella had seen a lot of action in her life and one of the major events she had ever been through was helping to takedown a terrorist in Antarctica, even fighting someone who bares similar abilities to her. She soon joined her childhood friend Garrison White, who was supposed to join the military. Bella has the ability to generate ice-based constructs on her body and or projectiles (Classified as Elemental), usually making weapons and or shields of ice that she can shatter with ease if she has to. Bella also has immunity to really cold temperatures and is capable of resisting the cold for an extended amount of time. Unlike the others, Bella has decent combat skills and is able to put up a fight. When Garrison was missing for some time, Bella decided that Flo Daggers, the sidekick of Garrison, should take his place instead of her, and when Flo became the new leader, Bella acts as someone who guides Flo and works closely with her. To some degree she is considered a co leader of the group, but doesn't not state this herself, but her actions speak for her.

Cage Changers – Cage is one of the co-leaders of the Freedom Fighters and close friends with several others among the group. He acts more of a defensive fighter and his primary ability is to cause miniature explosions when he punches and or kicks a solid object, the explosions can only be done if he builds up force behind his attacks. Cage is also the caretaker of the hideout and he watched over a group who keeps surveillance over the place. Cage also confronted The Red Ghost when the hideout had been attacked and was defeated after several close calls during the fight, leaving him with broken bones and a fractured skull, despite the injury; he survives, but remains unresponsive; soon taken by armed men.

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