Garrison M.I.A, his capture, his torture, his death

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A bright sunny morning came to London and all of United Kingdom, Bella Frost and Flo Daggers of the Freedom Fighters became worried about Garrison because he never contacted either of them or members of the team, nor did he return to base, they thought he had probably went to his family's home, some assumed last night he took care of whatever he had to do and went home,another day had past, and they haven't heard from him since, and some begin to think something was wrong because every day at 5AM, whether he is feeling better or under the weather, Garrison would contact his team to see if everyone is okay, in need of help or just wanting to talk; for once when Garrison was the one who needed help, they're now unable to contact him or know where he is.

An hour went by and the Freedom Fighters team spread out into small groups and began looking for Garrison or any clues that may lead to him, meanwhile, Jake was en route to the Middle East via private plane and his followers were contacted and tasked to keep watch from their locations, he ordered the criminals to not do anything for several days in order to see the reaction of The Freedom Fighters, in a way he want the criminals to stalk from a distance and to not engage, but observe.

The Freedom Fighters looked everywhere unable to find any clues or Garrison's whereabouts, but they continued to search, but they grew worried as they did whereas Priscilla and her brother Bruno made a comment about assuming the worse, something Flo didn't want to accept it. Conspiracy theories began to speculate what became of The Blue Savior bringing up all kinds of theories to news media, adding that he quit and left the UK in fear, other stated he died from a freak accident and his body has yet to be discovered or someone finally did him in. Flo Daggers heard all of this but still refuse to believe Garrison is dead, thinking he is captured and that the criminals will try to use him as bait. Soon, Flo even confronted her rivals to see if they knew anything, with a brief scuffle, Flo managed to speak with Edwin and the Wolfpack, but they don't know anything or seen anything out of the ordinary at all, but he did make his feeling clear of what he thought of Garrison, seeing him as someone who actually wanted to care for them as the rest of London just think of the Wolfpack as worthless.

Eventually Flo confronted other members of the Wolfpack, one of them, Merissa Clou, who was bathing in her apartment, within an old worn out apartment complex where most of the poor in London live. Flo literally broke into her home through a window and confronted Merissa who was in her tub, starling her. Merissa codename is Air-Gun, having the ability to use the air to form air pockets in shape of miniature to apple sized of balls or bullet-like objects to propel at her opponent. She spots Flo and says bloody hell, and without hesitation from her tub, she fires off a few shots, Flo dodges two shots, the 3rd one pushed Flo back a few feet, and she continues to rush to Merissa. Flo concerned Merissa and pinned her down in her own tub, having Merissa's head pinned on the wall. Merissa stated that she didn't do anything today, she didn't steal or try to rob someone, and she smiles, telling Flo , as her hands are up in the air, that this meet up is probably the most awkward, the not so happy yet serious Flo took a nearby towel and gave it to Merissa so she could cover herself up, who was confused on why Flo was even here to begin with.

Merissa, who was still drenched, spoke with Flo. She says she doesn't know anything about Blue Savior, someone she's fought before, had gone missing, that eventually all this crime fighting is going to get them hurt, adding even thought they clashed many times before; she doesn't want anyone getting hurt, now being concerned about Garrison when she sees Flo' expression. Flo was so worried that it was hard for her to speak clearly, then Merissa said she remembered being out in the streets, seeing the Blue Savior go to the northern part of London. When Merissa said that, Flo took off, leaving Merissa to go dry herself up. After drying herself, she contacted her boyfriend, Edwin, about what was going on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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