Metal-Head Drones, Dalton's Escape

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During the festival night, the drones observed the targeted area, from treetops in a nearby forest path, for several minutes before going to search and capture mode, as well as having no morals when it comes to causing chaos while looking for Dalton, hence how the scientist programmed them. That night, Dalton was getting something to drink, a fruit flavored drink that was being given out on festival night for free. After insulting the man giving out the drinks, Dalton left and managed to stop the cowhide covered drones hiding in a house with no light in it. He knew they were drones because the closer he got, the redder their eyes became, but they did not move. Dalton recognized the robots as he backed away, thinking they're here to kill him due to disloyalty to King Sheer, fleeing due to cowardice. As these thoughts ran through his head, he began to run before the robots can state their business being within the vicinity to begin with. The robot drones began to leave the house through the window, only to attack a shocked man holding a torch, they hurt the man without hesitation and they knocked the torch out of his hand, causing the house to be set on fire, eventually spreading.

As they move in to locate Dalton, they beat down villagers responding to the fire and to them, and they continued to seek out their target, eventually catching up with Dalton who was trying to hide inside wooden barrel. They manage to stop him by removing the lid, taking him out putting something in his hand, but before they could take him or say a word, they were attacked by a lone Japanese boy who stood up to them. Dalton's mental state started to hinder when the drones fought the boy, eventually issuing a warning to those that attempt to fight them, in addition to impaling the child to make an example out of him, tossing him aside to bleed out when they were done. They finally caught up to Dalton and projected a hologram message from Karvner, who was currently in the United Kingdom at the time, however, the hologram was destroyed when several arrows hit the drones, the arrows came in the direction behind them, for they were being attacked by dojo champion, Jackyln Konta, who stated that she will be avenging her fallen cousin, wanting to make the drones pay, thinking the attackers are humans. She managed to fight the drones longer than her cousin, but eventually, she too was overwhelmed by drones. When she got closer in a final attempt to take one of them down, she saw their faces and in her eyes, she considers them human-like sorcery for she has never seen robots in her life, and the fire was roaring around her, with villagers escaping the area, leaving only the village guards to try to stop the fire. She was pinned to the ground, and right before she was about to be impaled to the ground, the boy who was supposedly killed went on a bloodlusted rage against the drones, dismembering the drones one after another as they tried to fight back, resulting in Jackyln being saved. This left only the leader drone and the boy, covered in blood and oil on his torn robe and a shocked Jackyln who was watching everything take place as she was on the ground. As the two battled it out, Dalton picked up the busted hologram projector and ran off into the night. He used the device one of the drones gave him to locate where he is to go.

Dalton connected with his contact using the projector and he used the other device, which gave him additional coordinates he is to go in order to get picked up. Dalton stole a motorboat from a nearby dock, after beating up the owner who was about to use his boat to fish and drove his way to the coordinates he was given out in sea. He was eventually picked up by a small jet carrier, that was flying low, that arrived on time to pick him up. Dalton's only remark is that he thought he was a dead man when he saw the drones, and it wasn't until they gave him the device and showed up the message he had changed his mind. As they took off, the pilot tossed him some medication, telling Dalton that the higher ups said he might like this, with Dalton responding with a "hell yeah" as he smiled, soon thinking to himself what just took place regarding the child that just went crazy.

Dalton made it back to London, and was told about the situation and the steps needed to make sure their little problem is taken care of. So Dalton thanked Karvner for his drones, but explained that a child, that somehow survived a near death experience, was able to take the drones out, only for Karvner to joke about the Japanese villagers of New Japan, calling them irrelevant for they do not know the outside world well, so there is no need to focus an attack on them. Then Karvner tells Dalton there is a way he could fix his medication problem, explaining project AX to Dalton and informs him King Sheer wants one of his best and strongest to return to the fold, being Dalton himself, adding that in the future they will no longer need to worry about problems, and the two shake hands.

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