Capturing The Blue Savior (Garrison White)

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King Sheer's son, Jake Sheer, used the power his father gave him, since the majority of governments and resources in The United Kingdom, as well as the Royal Family, is in their hands, he decided to take action against the Freedom Fighters by separating them from their leader. Jake has also held a political position under the alias, Finn Ferguson, using this power as the mayor of London. A political figure during the day, but at night, he's a cold hearted criminal with class so sharp it makes other gentlemen jealous. Jake wanted to prove to his father that he can take his mantle and taking a step in proving he is the greatest, starting with The Blue Savior.

Jake sent out of town thieves and criminals to run rampant in London, this way to observe how The Freedom Fighters operate. The criminals he sent were tasked to only cause trouble, not to murder, rape, and kidnap people, just to take from them, lightly threaten and or roughen them up in order to trigger a response. In doing so he had the criminals spread out even more throughout the city, and they did just that, knowing the high ranking people from the criminal underworld will bail them out anyways.

After two weeks of observing his opponents, he made some criminals go out during the evening hours, since most of The Freedom Fighters were worn out from the fighting, Blue Savior, along with veteran Freedom Fighters, keep on going despite being worn out. Jake then set a trap for Blue Savior when the hero went to the northern section of London to investigate a crime prior to his arrival.

The plan Jake orchestrated, he used a service robot, with Sarcosa's aid in making the service robot criminal look more human-like. Blue Savior's other partners, who were meta-humans, in other sections of the city, Jake had his men keep them busy so when Blue Savior is in trouble, he cannot call for help and his friends will be far too busy to realize what is going on. Blue Savior will find a potential petty crime going on, which he tends to have no trouble in handling alone, and try to stop it only to be led into an even bigger trap, with him being captured.

Just like how he planned it, the men kept Blue Savior's partners busy in other sections of the city while Blue Savior himself just happen to be patrolling the northern section of the city, in Jake's mind, it was a lucky guess the hero would show up within the exact location. He then had the robot, posing as a woman in trouble due to its added human-like features, as if she is being attacked by a thug, drawing the hero's attention and he tries to get closer to try and stop the thug, only for the woman to take off running, with the thug pursuing her, eventually Blue Savior himself, leaving his motorcycle behind as he gave chase through the alleyway. One of Sarcosa's flying EMP drones blocked all signals within the area to prevent comms, phones and any other form of communication scrambled and blocked within a 30 yard radius, and this drone kept following the hero, keeping his line of communications blocked, Blue Savior does not notice the small apple sized drone for it was hovering about 20 feet above him as it followed. Seeing Blue Savior is quick on his feet, the robot and the thug had to push themselves faster until they made it to the abandon building entrance.

Blue Savior catches up to them, and he grabs the thug, taking the woman's bag and throwing the thug to the side, the man tried to get back up, only for the hero to wrestle him to the ground, with the thug giving up because he was tired and out of breathe from the running and fighting, only for Garrison to mock the man to hit the gym more, as well as telling him of being a good sport in surrendering. Garrison took the bag to the woman, but he was surprised, for the person wasn't a woman, but a robot dressed up as a woman, for some of the fake skin began peeling off from its face. The revealed robot began to thank the hero, not realizing that his fake skin was falling off until after seeing Garrison's sudden face expression change. Garrison suspected the robot to be an android or a cyborg, but knew that both cyborgs and androids have special humanoid bodies that resemble actual people, not like the robot in front of him with torn off skin, fake hair and a messed up face. Garrison threw the bag at the robot and says if this is some kind of joke, frustrated and feeling disappointed, he tries to contact his team about the robot and the man, but nothing was going through. He realized his comms were scrambled by some unknown device and he tried to get outside, only to find out that the door itself was sealed shut. As he turned around, the robot lunged at him, and tries to strangle him, wrestling Garrison to the ground. The thug, who was taken down by Garrison saw Garrison struggling with the robot, and he took a nearby crowbar to try and land a hit on the hero. Garrison was about to break free from the robot's grasp, who had him in a bear hug, pinned to the ground. Garrison stated he was trying to be nice, but they pushed him to be harder of them, only for the thug to take a swing at Garrison's free leg, hitting him on the knee. With a single blow, the man was able to dislocate Garrison's knee cap. Garrison was obviously in pain, and not show his opponents that he is injured by keeping a confident facial expression.

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