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The PhantomPhantom, also known as, Jennifer Gidow, is a pre-teen who is basically neutral. Phantom is a female anti-hero who has the ability to shield and make barriers on herself and others making them completely dead silence and blend into their surroundings like a chameleon. Phantom had used her powers to steal food, but is rarely caught by anyone, despite being a thief, Phantom lives with both her parents until she went missing before the repairs on Big Ben began taking place. She was briefly with The Wolf Pack, but after the killings began, she left without notice. It is revealed that Phantom ran into Butch's men and was kidnapped, forced to work for them. She had been forced to help Butch and the others or else her parents would be tortured and slaughtered in front of her, leaving her no choice but to go against both The Freedom Fighters, whom she looked up to, and the Wolf Pack, who took her in briefly. She had been used multiple times to fight against those she doesn't want to fight, even when some people were killed in front of her, she couldn't do anything because she doesn't want it to happen to her family. After the death of Flo and the others, Phantom had went home, sneaking into her own house to not wake her parents, going to bed only to have nightmares of everything that took place. Phantom was tasked to live her life normally, but when her "employers" called, she is to show up without question or delay.

Priscilla Kane – Codename gunslinger, is one of the co Leaders of the Freedom Fighters who watch over Maidstone in London. Aside from being a mechanic, she has a hobby gun-slinging. She carries dual revolvers that have specialized bullets that can affect targets and or objectives she shoots at. Since Freedom Fighters are not type to kill, Priscilla often use rubber bullets, as for energy based weapons she use shock-pulsers, that temporarily stuns opponents on contact. As a last resort, Priscilla does carry normal bullets should the situation calls for it, something she never wants to resort to using.

Big Bruno – Real name being Bruno Kane, is the older brother of Priscilla Kane. His meta-human abilities allow him to have great strength, and when he isn't crime fighting, he uses his abilities to help around the junkyard that fixes and breaks down vehicles and the like. The junkyard the siblings run with their grandfather is family owned and before the events of the Red Ghost, the siblings usually come to the junkyard from time to time to help out.

Lawrence Wagner – The brother of Copy-Kay (Leigh Wagner). Lawrence was not a meta-human among the Freedom Fighters, however, he was always resourceful, the man with the information an always kept his team informed about things. Eventually Lawrence had left the Freedom Fighters after it was revealed that Blue Savior was killed, but insists on helping them should opportunity gives such a chance. He lived normally and had always worked as a Banker in London until remnants of Butch's men attacked the bank in order to retrieve Butch's belongings, as well as take anything they want. The Freedom Fighters showed up to stop the gunmen, and Lawrence aided in the fight. One tough gunmen nearly harmed Tina Castle, only for Lawrence to help her out when she was knocked aside. Lawrence was eventually pinned down by this gunman, and Tina tried to get to him, but she was too late and Lawrence succumbs to several lethal injuries. Lawrence was eventually hospitalized, and was about to die. His last words was for the team remain united and stick together no matter what, considering the Freedom Fighters his family, as well as not wanting his sister to worry. Lawrence had passed away, causing the remainder of the team to feel the effects of his death, Tina feeling guilty because she was too late, and that her powers had been acting up on that day, as for Copy-Kat, the death of her brother had caused her to be mentally unstable, building up a grudge and anger for the team and leaving, going to the Freedom Fighters in Maidstone, only to take out her anger, verbally on them.

Members of the Wolf Pack

Edwin Fleece – The Big Bad Wolf and pretty boy, who is the leader of The Wolf Pack. He's one and only badass in his group and the rival to the late Blue Savior. Edwin has a think for the steam punk gothic look, hence his black top-hat and suit jacket. He also has a golden cane with his name on it.

Gina Fleece – Called the She-Wolf, she is the twin sibling of Edwin. She is the co-leader of the team and one of the heavy hitters in the group. Since her and her brother are twins, they tend to stick around each other a lot, and share the same sense of style, however, she wears a black steam punk suit and dress with a white shirt. When the Wolf Pack stopped working for Butch, she was the one to use her strength to crush her former Boss' hand, reasoning why Butch ended up getting a metal hand prosthetic over his hand for his bones were crushed that badly.

Shay Ferguson – Shay, codename being Barcode, is the tech man of the group. Since the main hideout for The Wolf Pack is a factory, Shay was able to set up countermeasures of security and hidden doors should anything take place in the hideout. Shay isn't the type of person to speak much, but he is willing to help out his friends and family should they need it. When the factory was under attack by Butch, several individuals had perished during the fight. Shay managed to team up briefly with Marisa Clou and Tina Castle, but the three of them were confronted by a large man in militant clothing, one of Butch's men, who threaten to kill them. Shay saved the girls, but he ended up getting stabbed in the shoulder and drag down to his death with the man who tried to kill him. His body was never recovered or found, revealing that Barcode may have survived, but is critical injured from the stab and the fall.

Merissa Clou – Also known as Air Gun, is the girlfriend of Edwin Fleece. She is a snarky British girl who is always up for a challenge and one of the smart mouths on the Wolf Pack team. During the Aftermath of the Red Ghost's brutal killings, she is the only known survivor of her team, even witnessing the bloody end of The Freedom Fighters. She eventually fled to the Caribbean, Haiti, and went into hididng, with the company of an orphan girl, who she took under her care.

Foxxy – The earliest member of the Wolf Pack. She isn't mentioned as much but she has been a Wolf Pack very early on when Garrison White was active, way before his death. Foxxy, also known as Monique Laurent Monroe (MLM). She was born and raised in France until her mother moved to United Kingdom. In her teens, she joined the Wolf Pack crew for 2 years, and was the most accomplished thief on the team, for her looks and innocence was enough to trick any of her victims in her shoplifting days. She considered the group as family, as well as having a love-hate relationship with The Freedom Fighters, mainly because she had a mild crush on Blue Savior, fresh out of military training, who was still join at the time. She left the group when her mother wanted to move, but this time in Ireland, wanting her daughter to be a young model. There Foxxy became one of the well known models, the first French model Ireland had ever seen that had dark scarlet hair that looked like fire, and charming looks, that won Foxxy so many awards, which landed her modeling gigs in her mid-late teens. She wanted to return to the Wolf Pack, but she found herself always busy, and her mother tells her if she wishes to stop modeling, it is her decision. Eventually, Foxxy stopped modeling and worked on her abilities in fighting. She began to train in hand to hand combat, boxing and swordplay, for her father use to teach her a thing or two because he wanted Foxxy to defend herself. Foxxy had fox-like reflexes and senses, and a bit of strength in her punches. She is also quick on her feet and because of this, she had a furry fetish in having fur-like theme clothing or jackets, some with a tail attached to it, which goes with the birthmarks on her face that resemble whiskers and a dark coloring on her nose. When news came around about the death of her friends, she felt sadden and began drinking, despite not being the age for it, for she was able to trick people she is an older woman, when in reality she is only 18. After drinking several beers and knocking out some men who tried to take her outside, she leaves, wanting to go on adventures in memories of her friends as well as thinking about her father. Foxxy is also rich due to her modeling and uses the money to travel.


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