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ReaverReaver is one of henchmen of Butch, and he has made an appearance on the final showdown with Flo and the Freedom Fighters, he was tasked to deal with those who tried to run away.

Winter-Spike A double agent who is a meta-human, an elemental, who is almost the same in power as Bella Frost. It is unknown as to his whereabouts or what has happen to him since Operation Ice-Drive.

Grandus MaxiusThe Viking Leader of the Bio-Terrorist group known as The Norse Vikings. Due to Operation Ice-Drive, Grandus, and his followers have been arrested and sent to Dread Droves Prison, as for his work and his robotic sentries, all of it has been destroyed, along with his bio-weapon operation in Antarctica.

Lisa DaggersThe sister of Flo Daggers. She resides in the northernmost part of the United Kingdom and knows about her sister's meta-human abilities.

Sophia SheerSophia, among the Sheers is unknown, but she has been mentioned a few times. She shares the same criminal dynasty as her husband, King Sheer, thus making their crime organization, The Establishment, very powerful. She also had a role how the crime family had gotten one of their own into the Royal Family of the United Kingdom.

David FrancoisA French womanizer who has ties with The Establishment.

Kinoko Hoda – Former Japanese Prime Minister around the 2050s-2060s. She was corrupted by her power and had used her political position to exact action against people her way, mainly for illegal purposes. Those who were on her sided took part, eventually money was involved. She tried to seize unmarked lands by that had been formed years ago by an underground volcano in the sea, which destroyed itself leaving behind massive land. Her conquest to claim such land for Japan failed when protesters not only stop her from taking the island, but expose her for her corruption with many accusations against her. She was removed as prime minister and sent to prison, along with her associates, however the damage to Japan was so great, it took some time for the country to repair and recover.

James Konta – James was in New Japan at the time the drones attacked, he was supposedly killed by them as well, only to miraculously survive, looking different, and to terminate the drones that attacked the village during the festival.

Jacklyn Konta – The cousin of James Konta. She briefly fights the drones after they supposedly killed her cousin during the festival gathering that was set ablaze by the drones. She was nearly killed after being overwhelmed, only to be saved by her cousin who had survived.

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