Getting back some of the best, Dalton Ferguson

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While King tasked his son to increase their numbers as well as deal with financial assets, robotic drones were deployed to go and seek out henchmen who fled when The Freedom Fighters nearly exposed their operation in the United Kingdom, the reason for this is because King and his group only control 65% of the Justice System, the remainder is controlled by Jurist and other authorities who are unaware of criminals running the Judicial system.

Dalton Ferguson, one of King's trusted followers who was defeated by Blue Savior and friends, only to escape to Old Japan, eventually he manage to get tourist transportation to the unmarked landmass known as New Japan, in a span of several days. He took residence in an abandon home that still looked relevantly new. Dalton's location was in Miho, New Japan and he remains there; however, since he isn't on his medication, he was borderline hostile and kept to himself, causing the locals to avoid him at times. Since he had no access to medical means to keep himself controlled, he had to resort to using herbs that is usually farmed by the villagers and or buys them using money he stole from villagers during the night, but this could only sustain him for several hours instead of a whole day. Dalton is, and always will be, armed and dangerous, but since he is in New Japan, no one is aware of his background so they didn't attempt to bother or pay him any mind. Dalton knew the customs of the country and kept to himself, but was still rude to the people there even though he is still considered an outsider.

Eventually, The robot drones manage to track him down and they traveled by swimming, making it to New Japan on the day the islanders began making preparations for The New Japan Festival, an anniversary ceremony that took place the day the reformed Yakuza claimed the land, leaving behind the corruption that took place in Japan by former late prime minister, Kinoko Hoda.

As for such a Festival is hosted in several lands and villages within New Japan. The robots themselves blended in when they ransacked a leatherworker's home, taking hats and robes made out of cowhide, leaving after, only for the home owner to see that someone had robbed his home, but unaware that the thieves that had since left were not human.

Brief Kinoko Hoda, Japanese Activist and actions of the Yakuza

Year of the event(s): 2050s-2060s

Location: Japan (wasn't called Old Japan until near end of 21st century)

The Prime Minister of the time (Kinoko Hoda) actually tried to claim the unmarked land that was in the Far East side away from Japan that amassed near the Bonin Islands. She wasn't made aware of the landmass when people began speaking about it, and she wanted to use the new landmass as a financial and political gain, as well further her corruption to a land that Japan could claim.

Activist had soon discovered Hoda's plan when it was leaked and they began to protest against Hoda who tried to seize the land. Fights in the streets broke out and political members were often verbally attacked and or prohibited from speaking at their own gatherings due to protesters. While all this was going on in a span of weeks, the Yakuza had since claim the landmass in the early 2050s (2051-2052), but haven't made it known, revealing that they were slowly progressing to start a new life, a form of redemption of what they use to be in 17th century (presumed to have originated from the Kabukimono) eventually slowing down and changing as 2020 came and went.

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