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Butch Is a street gangster who has gain power over a span of a decade. His hold on those he targets has been broken because of the Freedom Fighters. Butch had originally employed The Wolf Pack, meta-humans themselves, to deal with the Freedom Fighters, however, they were not up to task and weren't really serious about fighting their rivals, for they, over time, have grown tired of Butch, thus making Butch wanting revenge on them and The Freedom Fighters, wanting them dead.

Sai/Red GhostNot much is known about The Red Ghost, but his official first name, as mentioned by his employers and by the scientist who reconstructed him, is Sai. The Red Ghost, and or Sai, has originated from North Korea, but what led to what he is now as a emotionless hero/villain killing machine remains a mystery.

SarcosaA wildly mad scientist who has a think for bio-studies and tech. He is, just like Karvner, one of the high ranking Scientist and Egineers within The Establishment. Since Karvner was assigned to gather forces in the West, Sarcosa remains in the European areas, mainly in the United Kingdom, to do the bidding of his boss, King Sheer.

Jake Sheer – He is the son of King Sheer, and the sister of Lelia Sheer. Unlike his sister, he is more relentless and cunning in what he does with an extreme sense of class and subtly. While his sister was tasked elsewhere, Jake was working to establish power by gaining a reputation and influence through the UK's political scene, and he successfully makes himself known using his alias (Fin Ferguson), in addition, to majority of the crime family and connections running a large portion of the political system, and blood relatives of the Sheer family has a 100% strong grip on the UK Royal Family, bloodline-wise. Jake wishes to prove to his father that he can take his place by displaying his power, and wants to show his father that he can truly bring forth the New World Order with how he is making his connections throughout the UK and Europe. [Fin Ferguson] is an alias used by Jake Sheer, being the name used to establish his position as mayor of London, eventually becoming one of the several active and known Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom.

Lelia Sheer – King's daughter. She was brought up in the criminal underworld early to be trained as a fighter, a killer, marksman, giving her the rank of a qualified assassin, just like her brother, uncle, and father. She was sent along with a few from the criminal underground to spread influence, which resulted in her entering into a CIA program for the young n the gifted to become field operatives. Going to the CIA changed her when she fancied a pretty boy Italian operative, who was part of her team. She aided in Operation Ice-Drive, assisting others such as several NAVY Seals and Russian KGB fighters in Antarctica to stop terrorist known as Grandus Max of the Norse Guardians (Modern Time Vikings). She and some members of her team were discharged from the operation, resulting in Lelia returning back to The United Kingdom, only to later take a mission in France, whereas she is to help a womanizing singer who is part of the criminal underground deal with members from the French political party who are targeting him. She successfully assassinates the singer's enemies; however, a Pyro-Chemist vigilante and his crew confronted her numerous times until they eventually exposed the singer, leading to his arrest, resulting in Lelia leaving France, returning once again to The United Kingdom, these actions caused her brother, Jake, to criticize her on how the Americans had made her soft.

Charles S. Marx Sheer Full long name being Charles Shreck Marx-Maximus Sheer, is an adviser and chief under King Sheer. He is the uncle of both Lelia and Jake and his primary functions are to maintain order among the UK parties, including the Royal Family. Charles also has objectives in paving the path for Jake as he did for King, going out of his way to reach out to potential allies who also seek the same goal of world domination.

King SheerThe head of the group known as The Establishment. He maintains and controlled the criminal empire, keeping everyone in check for many of the toughest are easily intimidated by this ruthless, murderous fighter. King's body consist of a huge amount of Shadow Tech that is used as prosthetics, in addition, it is rumored to push some of his limits beyond that of a common man. King hold a firm steel grip of all of the United Kingdom's, be it political, financial, as well as having total control of the royal family for even the blood of his family is within the royal ranks now.

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