The Blue Savior (Garrison White) and the Freedom Fighters

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In the United Kingdom, there have been small crimes stopped by a group known as The Freedom Fighters (formed in the year 2137). They're led by a young man who goes by the alter-ego name "Blue Savior", whereas his real name that is unknown to the public, Garrison White. Before he became a known hero, Garrison had been training to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather in becoming part of the British Army, for his grandfather was a high ranking officer during his time of activity in the force. Garrison's change began when he witnessed a family being held hostage and their home burglarized in a small apartment complex in London, so this moment change his course, prompting him to become a hero, using his skills and training to help those who cannot defend themselves. Garrison got around town using a motorcycle and his suit is under his casual clothing, so when something does happen, he is always ready to take action when necessary. He has also confronted the Wolf Pack during the early years when they were just the common enemy and not friends or rivals, among them being Foxxy, who is often distracted by Blue Savior because she has always been infatuated with him when her team confronts them.

During his years of activity into his young adult years, he recruited others who wanted to join him, even train them to help people in anyway way they can. Among those who choose to follow him were individuals with abilities, meta-humans, who not only want to help him, but also practice using their abilities for the greater good, at this Garrison taught them what he knows to the best of his ability in order to help his new teammates.

As they grew together and fought alongside each other, they had exposed various criminal networks within the city that connects to other parts of the United Kingdom. They stopped a heist that was conducted by a masked man (Dalton Ferguson), who manages to get away, but his men, robots and other resources for the heist were dealt with by The Freedom Fighters. Garrison and his team's action caused some criminals to leave the London, for the criminals thought that if they cannot gain some sort of control, they have to lay low for a bit and return later, or cease completely since The Freedom Fighters have been in control of the area for some time now, and they also have branched off smaller groups outside of London. This resulted in some criminals having to remain hidden, wanting to plot on a move to get rid of the heroes who roam the streets of London while others lay low until something changes.

As Garrison and his growing team continue to flourish, it caused the high ranking criminals who were practically untouchable to be angry, and very frustrated with the actions of the heroic group. Within the United Kingdom is a group known as The Establishment (The new aged Illuminati), the founder being King Sheer. King had allies in other groups who go to him for resources, and seeing that some had fled or moved elsewhere, it angered him greatly, in addition, his son, Jake Sheer, had mention this in greater detail. After about a month, King had his men go out of the United Kingdom to bring back some of his allies back for he has a plan to deal with those who had ruined his business regarding his allies as well as his connections. He had tasks some henchmen to distract and keep The Freedom Fighters busy, in addition, he had some of his top scientist allies, namely Karvner and Sarcosa, to go deploy robot trackers to find those he is seeking, the criminals in his circle that had fled the UK due to the Freedom Fighters nearly getting them caught.

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