Chapter Two

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You follow Gally up to the steps of his house, onto the porch and then patiently wait as he twists his keys in the front door. The door swings open with a creak and you both walk in, he chucks his bag onto the kitchen bench and immediately ransacks the fridge. "Want anything to eat?"

You pause in the middle of the kitchen floor as you take in your surroundings. Dishes lay in bunches inside the sink, the dining table cluttered with books, magazines, mugs, and clothes that hang on the chairs. A wash basket sitting close by, filled. "Just... Just a glass of water would be fine, thanks."

He fills up your glass with water, grabs a bag of half eaten Doritos, and then leads the way up the old, noisy steps. You look at some of the picture frames hanging on the wall, most include Gally and his parents, however there are frames that hang without any picture inside at all. He shows you to his bedroom and you hesitate only slightly before you walk inside. "I would have cleaned up a bit if Mr Francis told me about you before today."

"It's okay." You look around the room, a lot of clutter of things without any other room to place them. Comic books, clothes, footballs or basketballs strewn around the place. You even spot a few sport trophies, but when Gally notices you looking at them he pushes them further back under the mess.

He sits down onto his bed, his legs stretched out and his back against the headboard, the springs inside squeak with his weight and he looks up to you expectantly. But you just look around the room instead, realising there is no couch or chair for you to sit on. His voice sounds out through the chewing of his chips, "You can sit on my bed, you know."

"Oh, right," you sit down on his bed, at the very end, and reach into your bag. Your hand stops for a moment when you realise you didn't bring anything for the session anyway, so instead you just take out a pen and your notebook in case it's needed. "Okay... so... is there anything your specifically having trouble with?"

Gally stares over at you, and then shrugs.

"Did you get given any homework for tonight? We can go through it together if you want."

"Probably," he mutters, licking the Dorito flavouring off the tips of his fingers. He then picks his bag off the ground and sets it onto the bed, the mattress shifting and bouncing a little from the movements.

You unzip his bag as he finishes off the last bits of Doritos, and peer inside. You pull out a few textbooks and sift through the work he's been given. You then reach inside for another pen or pencil when your fingers touch something hard and cool. You look inside and see that it's a CD Walkman. You pull it out with care, and stare at it as if it's some sort of relic or piece of ancient history. "You use a Walkman?"

He frowns and snatches the thing from your hands, "Yeah, so?"

You raise your eyebrows from his sudden protectiveness over the object, "Just... haven't seen one being used in while, is all."

"Yeah, well, I'm sorry I don't have access to my parents' credit cards to buy things like iPods and what not."

"I wasn't... I wasn't trying to be insulting, Gally. I'm just surprised, okay?" You carefully lift it off his lap, and smile at his glaring stare, "I'm not going to hurt it, I'm going to put a CD in it."

He crosses his arms over his chest, and doesn't say anything back but instead watches your movements intently.

You take the CD you mentioned to him before out of your bag and slip it inside the Walkman.

"Why do you even have a CD; you've got an iPhone." He challenges, lifting one of the earphones to his ear.

"I like to own CD's," you reply simply, shrugging your shoulders before you put the other earphone in your own ear.

Together.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon