Chapter Six

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You slide into the booth your friends chose after ordering your food just in time to hear yet another dirty joke from Minho. Turns out Minho's track practice was cancelled, so he could make it to your little gathering for very unhealthy food; which he disagrees with but still snacks on, on the odd occasion.

After a few topics of conversation, one bubbles up that you didn't quite expect. "Do you lot want to go check out the football game this Friday night?" Newt waggles his eyebrows, "I've got myself a girl to introduce you to."

Everyone cheers enthusiastically, a couple slap him on the back even. And everyone agrees that it would be a good idea, all except for Thomas. "I don't know, some of those guys would get pissy if I showed up."

You raise an eyebrow, "How come?"

"Because I'm from the lacrosse team. I know it doesn't make sense but we've had beef with them for the longest time. Plus, this kid called Gally has it out for me."

You blink slowly, almost forgetting that Gally would be there at the game. In the game, actually. You go to say something along the lines of a question as to why Gally would "have it out for him" but Minho cuts you off. "Oh yeah I forgot about that time he tripped you up in the hallway."

"Or when he hid your clothes after Phys Ed." Newt adds.

"He really did that?" You ask without thinking. You might have thought that he'd do stuff like that before, but for some reason, you don't think he'd be the type of person to just actively go around and bully someone. Would he?

Thomas eyes you for a second, "Well, yeah. Have you seen him? He looks like the kind who would."

"I... I guess, I just thought those kinds of things didn't really happen in real life." You know it was a weak save, but some kind of save nonetheless.

Thomas turns to Newt, "He'll probably be too busy with the game to notice me anyway, so I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll come, don't worry."

Newt grins, "Awesome!"

Suddenly your phone starts to ring, so you slip out of the booth unnoticed amongst all the chatter and eating. You stop walking until your outside the burger place and answer your phone. "Gally, what's up?" The words feel strange on your tongue as you remember the weird sort of fight you had last night.

"I... I know you're just supposed to be my tutor but, I'm in a bit of trouble." His voice is slightly worn and crackly, like he's struggling to just talk.

"What kind of trouble? Are you hurt?"

"Well... Yeah, I guess I am. I just need a place to crash, and I wouldn't ask you if I had nowhere else to go."

You swallow and glance back at the gang through the window; Thomas catches your eyes, but only for a second. You turn away. Can you let him stay the night? You're not sure. No, you know your parents would say no in a heartbeat. And you have only known Gally for a few days... Would this be a bad choice? Let some Senior sleep in your room? In a matter of seconds, you make your decision. One reason for becoming a tutor was to help people. If Gally needs help, that's what you'll give him. "Where are you?"

"Your house."

"I'll be there right away," you start to move but stop immediately, "Can you just answer me honestly on one thing?" You wait for a reply but it doesn't come, "Does this have anything to do with the guy from last night?"

A breath. A sniff. "No."

You say goodbye and then hang up the phone, you then quickly dash back inside to grab the rest of your things.

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