Chapter Fourteen

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The car ride to the hospital was a blur. J.D and Dallas took Gally into their car, and you followed, shaken by disbelief. Gally's head lay in your lap, all the way you couldn't tear your eyes away from him. You pressed a strip of your shirt into his bleeding wound, hoping Dallas could drive fast enough to the hospital before he bled out right there in the back seat.

Now you sit in the waiting room after they rushed him into surgery. The police were here taking statements from J.D and Dallas, about Ben, and Janson, about everything that just happened down by the river. They came by before trying to talk to you, but you were unresponsive. You barely even remember it. It seems now though that the blur since the bullet hit Gally is seeping away steadily. You start to become aware of the people around you, the worried glances and quiet whispers. Your face must be covered in dirt, with tear marks. Your clothes ragged, especially with half of your shirt torn off. With Gally's blood all over you.

But you continue to sit in, away from the chairs, on the hospital floor, leaning against a wall. Gally's dad didn't pick up the phone when the nurse tried to call. There was no one else but you here for him. You replay the events again and again in your head, Janson grabbing the gun, the sound of it going off, Gally dropping to the ground. And you did absolutely nothing.

They took Thomas too. You remember now, Thomas sat on the other end of the car, Gally's legs thrown over his lap. He was shaking, muttering something, but you can't remember what. The nurses wheeled him off somewhere, to another room.


You look over to whoever calls your name, and you're surprised to see Teresa, Newt, Minho and Brenda altogether, here at the hospital. Newt immediately engulfs you with a hug before sitting back to find your eyes. You can't look at him, you can't look at anyone. You're still in so much shock. "Y/N, what happened?"

"Thomas, he..." You shake your head, "Gally was shot..."

Teresa gasps, glancing to Newt, Newt's brown eyes confused, he tries to ask what happened in more detail but you put your head on your knees, curling up into yourself against the hospital wall suddenly wishing that this was all just a dream. Someone covers you with a jacket. Voices that were there soon disappear. You fall into a quiet sleep.

You wake up a couple hours later, and instead of on the hospital floor, you were carried into Gally's room, lying on the chairs inside. You gasp when you see him wired into machinery, lying unconscious in his bed. You pull up one of the chairs closer to him, and immediately find comfort in holding his hand. You watch his heartbeat on the monitor, and then look at his peaceful face; the steady breathing.

"He's going to alright, they said." Teresa's voice breaks the comfortable silence, and you turn to look at her. "The doctor said you guys got him here in time."

You don't say anything, instead you just look at Gally, as if willing him to wake up soon.

"I'm... Y/N, I'm sorry. I was wrong about Gally."

You don't want to feel upset again, you're sick of feeling upset. The exhaustion you feel from the stress of today overwhelms your mind and body.

"Please Y/N, just say something... Tell me you hate me, I don't care, just say something..."

You finally look at her, at her blue icy eyes, "I don't hate you Teresa."

"I hurt you, and I hurt Gally, too. I didn't give him a chance. I... Thomas he... he was the drug dealer, I can't–

"It's alright."

"It's not alright." Teresa wipes at her tears, and comes closer to you, "I could have helped you or something... This wouldn't have happened if I trusted you."

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