Chapter Seven

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You're already searching for Teresa and the gang as you walk over to the football field stands; a mass of people have already claimed their seats. You walk across the front, the smell of hotdogs and other junk food stink out the place already.

You finally spot them and make your way up towards them, comfortable seating in the middle. They all greet you, and you instantly get introduced to Newt's new girlfriend. She smiles and greets you kindly, so far, that's enough for your approval.

You take a seat next to Thomas and fight off a hitch in your breathing when you see how nice he looks. You mentally slap yourself, don't even think about it. But you can't help it, he smells nice too and he already bought you some food and drink.

You both talk for a bit, mostly about school but also about football. You only attended one game before with Minho and Newt, it wasn't the greatest thing ever. You remember seeing Gally out on the field though, you remember noticing how well he played with his team. This time you're sure you'll find it more exciting now that you actually know Gally.

Everyone starts to cheer as your school's football team runs onto the field; chants echo throughout the stands.

Teresa nudges you and nods over to the boys as they prepare for the game, "That one, number 14, he's the one who's been harassing Tom." You stare out to unfortunately see Gally wearing that number. "Technically most of the team harass all the lacrosse members, but the most heated is between Gally and Tom."

You don't reply but instead watch the field. You focus on Gally; what would make him act like that towards Thomas? It just doesn't add up in your head. Sure, Gally might seem to have that stereotypical jock persona, but just because it seems that way doesn't mean it should be that way.

A few minutes into the game, you notice Thomas gets up from his seat and leaves –probably going off to refill his drink or to the toilets, so you take this opportunity to continue the conversation from before.

You turn to Teresa, "Do you know why Gally and Thomas are fighting?"

She swallows a mouthful of her drink before replying, after checking if Thomas is still around to hear, "The football team in general don't like the lacrosse team because of how they think they've taken over the sport side of the school, something stupid like that." She pauses to slurp from her drink again, "But between Gally and Tom? Something to do with Gally's older brother, but I don't know what."

"He has an older brother?" Your eyes widen and you mentally scold yourself for seeming way too interested, you keep forgetting that you're supposed to act as if you don't know Gally at all. It's frustrating, but you definitely know now that you have to keep it a secret if Thomas has been fighting with him...

Thankfully Teresa doesn't seem to take too much notice of your question anyway, "Yeah, he did. His name was Justin."

Did? Was? "Where... where is he now?"

Teresa looks at you, "You don't know?"

You shake your head.

"Last year, around November I think, Justin got shot on the street. He died instantly, it was terrible really."

Your mouth drops, "How come I didn't know? The school... The school would have said something right?"

Teresa shakes her head, "They didn't want to bring much attention to it. A lot of the staff thought it was the school's responsibility, even though he'd graduated a year before. I guess they thought it might degrade their reputation which is a terrible excuse. But what's even worse is that there was no news story on it or anything. No investigation."

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