Chapter Twelve

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You hop into shotgun and stare at his cold features, his nervous glances in the review mirrors. You don't know where you're going, maybe back to Gally's place, but soon he pulls over on the side of the road, turning to you after he puts the car in park.

His face flares with hot anger, "What the hell did you think you were doing?"

You stay silent, knowing Gally must have been doing the same thing as you, looking out for those guys involved with his brother. Maybe it wasn't such a great plan after all.

He looks away before shaking his head, his voice borderline threatening, "I saw you in the diner, talking to those guys." His eyes find yours again, a deep worry buried within. "Do you know who they are?"

You swallow, already regretting what you did, "Grievers."

He blinks, and remains quiet for a few seconds... "What did you say?"


Something flashes across those green eyes, and you're suddenly more worried about the situation than you were, "How do you know that?"

You respond quietly, "It's on their dog tags, they showed it to me."

Gally reaches into his shirt, and pulls out a silver dog tag, lifting it over his head. You watch, and a sudden fear sets in. What would Gally be doing with the same necklace? Same as their dog tag? You instinctively reach for the door handle as Teresa's words start pouring into your head, Thomas' voice in the back of your mind, He's dangerous... For all we know, he could have murdered his own brother!

"It was Justin's..." He holds it out to you, and whatever anxiety you had quickly fades away.

Of course. You inspect the dog tag, the same etching of the word Griever, the same chain, everything about it was exactly the same as Ben's. "It's the same as theirs."

"You found them."

You look up at Gally, "What?"

"You found the guys I was looking for, the guys who've been tormenting me."

You stare at the dog tag again, twisting it around your fingers, feeling the cool metal on your skin. An image of the necklace lying around Justin's bloody neck, bulging dead eyes flashes through your mind, and you suddenly drop it to the floor.

Gally's voice breaks your trance of horror, "It's okay, it wasn't on Justin when he died."

You turn to Gally, blinking, somehow he knew exactly what you were thinking, "I'm..." you bend over to pick it up, "Sorry, I don't know what came over me."

"It's alright." He glances at the metal in your hands, "I see him too, you know, what he was like when he was..."

"I..." You pass it back to him, "I didn't know he died on the street outside the diner, if I'd known I never would've hung out there, or brought you there—

He dismisses what you say with his hand, "It's alright, I know you didn't know."

"So... he owed money to his own group?"

"Yeah, they all owe money to each other but... Well, Justin just didn't ever begin to pay it back. It started with small debts with each of the guys in his group, but I think he started borrowing money from Rat Man too."

"Right," you breathe in deeply, "Rat Man."

He looks over at you, a deep panic in his green eyes, "You know his name?"

"I... It was tossed around when I talked to the other Grievers." You take in a breath, "I also... When I was at your house, I found this note," you pass the note you showed to Dallas to Gally, "I found it in your brother's room."

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