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It's been months since the incident, and when you look back on it you feel as though it never even happened. Couldn't have even been real. But Gally's bruises and trouble sleeping remind you that it was very real.

Gally lounges on your couch, his tall build causing him to take up almost all the space. You grab the remote, and wedge yourself in any free spots you can find. "Don't, like, you know, take up all the room here or something."

He laughs and steals the remote from you, "Your couch is just tiny."

You shake your head, laughing, and steal the remote back, "Sure, sure." You flick through the TV guide to see if anything is worth watching. You glance quickly at Gally, and can't help but smile. Even if things were disastrous throughout this year, it brought you two together, for real now. After everything... Gally didn't know how to feel about Justin most days, that he really was gone, and the truth about it all was finally out. But his shock or discomfort about it all... it's been replaced by peace.

"Hey... so, Newt called me earlier today." Gally starts, a strange quietness to his tone of voice, like he's stepping on thin ice.

You turn to him, "Was it about Thomas?"

He nods, and you realise, Newt has been finding it a little bit hard to talk to you about Thomas since the incident, because he was both of you and Newt's friend, and because of the circumstances since. But you have noticed Newt and Teresa making more of an effort to talk to Gally, and it's nice.

You put the remote down, now ignoring the TV altogether, "What was the verdict?"

Gally sighs, and brings his arm around your shoulders, one of your favourite ways of affection from him. "Not guilty... for Justin's death."

You bite the inside of your cheek, flashing back to those awful moments of having to testify in court, of having to replay the events of that night to complete strangers. "But?"

Gally seems calm about it all. Both you and him hoped that Thomas wouldn't be found guilty, so much had happened-- Thomas was messed up in so many ways, it was hard to place all of the blame on him for Justin's death... it wasn't his fault, not really. "They're sending him into rehab for two years, somewhere really restricted, because technically he is still a minor and they can't just ignore the whole... drug thing."

You lean into him further, and his arms wrap around you completely, "I still can't believe all of this... They really found him not guilty?"

"Yeah... But it's all pretty complicated." He leans his chin over the top of your head, "I mean, like I said, he's a minor for one thing, even if they trial minors like adults when it comes to murder... there were just too many things contributing to why it happened."

"Like Janson's... manipulation, right?"

He breathes quite steadily, considering the topic of conversation, "Right. Janson manipulated Thomas to kill Justin... because if he didn't, Janson would have hurt him... or even killed him."

You sigh as you think back to the phone conversation you recorded, which ended up being used as evidence in the courtroom. Shaking your head as you remember, hating that day and all its memories. It almost feels like a lifetime ago, the person you were that night, someone so brave... not really like you at all. "It's all a mess."

He hugs you tighter, "I know, baby, I know."

You reach his cheek for a quick kiss, and he responds by returning the kiss to your lips. You lean into the kiss as it deepens, and his hands cup your face as he tries to bring you even closer. "Mm, wait-

But he continues to kiss you anyway and you laugh into them.

You finally manage to escape his kisses, "Gally!"

He smiles ever so sweetly, "Hey, any chance I can get... you've been away for way too long."

He's somewhat right. After the incident, your parents kept you locked up tight. Only Teresa could visit you, and all you could do was watch TV, continue school work, and visit your therapist-- a new past time forced on by your parents. Although, you were able to Skype call Gally on numerous occasions, to continue his tutoring, but it wasn't really the same. The therapist idea lasted those couple of months until she said that it would be good for you to reconnect again, to go to school, to see Gally. Your parents disagreed at first, like parents do, but over time they changed their minds, thankfully. During that time, you were able to re-establish your friendship with Teresa, and you'll always be thankful for that time, you're not sure what you would do without a friend like her.

You smile over at him, "Not that I don't like kissing you or anything, but you're holding out on me."

Gally's eyebrows screw up and he squints out of confusion, "I think you don't understand the whole concept of kissing, that's the lead up--

"Gally!" You push him gently and he only frowns some more. "I meant, you're holding out on me on your news, remember?" Gally called earlier saying he had some great news, but you two get distracted by each other way too easily. Both fortunately and unfortunately a great re-occurrence.

Gally rolls his eyes, "Well, you could have given me some context..."

You cross your arms over your chest, "Are you going to tell me or what?"

He pouts for a moment, knowing you lack patience most of the time. "I got accepted into the local college on a football scholarship."

"What!?" You leap at him, your arms sliding around his neck, pulling him into a close hug, "That's wonderful!" You kiss him on the cheek and giggle at his blushing cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah, it's not a big deal..."

You shake your head, "It so is, Gally, I'm so proud of you!"

He smiles, "Well I guess I wouldn't even have had a shot without my trusty tutor."

You kiss him immediately, and he kisses you back, both happy and content, excited for the future years, and wanting to spend all of that together.

You return his smile, "You know that I love you, right?"

"Yeah..." He shies away, hating that he blushes so easily, pressing his forehead into your shoulder, a muffled voice says, "I love you too, Y/N."

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