Chapter Eight

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Gally avoids you all day on Monday. As the weekend dragged on you couldn't stop thinking about what you said over and over and... You couldn't go to Gally, you felt as though you would be intruding. Besides, walking into the house would only flood you with thoughts of Justin. Thoughts of how you never knew of Gally's grief.

But when Monday came you set out on a mission to find Gally and apologise, but everywhere you went you could not find him. A few of the slime-balls from last time chuckled and murmured a few 'told you so' remarks your way but you just chose to ignore them. They weren't worth your concern.

So instead of searching every nook and cranny of the school, you decide to wait in the carpark. But when you get there you notice something strange, his worn down car is nowhere to be seen. You sigh out of frustration and reach for your mobile but... But decide against it. This apology has to be done in person, he can try to avoid you all he likes, but sometime he'll have to come back to school.

At least you hope.


You turn towards the voice and realise its Thomas. You smile briefly before tucking away strands of hair behind your ear, "Hey, Thomas."

He looks at you for a moment, and then to the carpark which is almost empty now, "Do... you need a ride? You look like you've been ditched."

You bite your bottom lip and look out at the parking lot once more, hoping that Gally magically appears instead. But he doesn't, and your left feeling even more guilty than before. You look back to Thomas, "Sure, that would be great, thanks."

Once you're set in motion and the radio is playing, you feel a little bit more relaxed. You try to push away thoughts of Gally and all the negative feelings as best you can, you don't want Thomas thinking something's up with you—that would be the last thing you needed right now.

"So you enjoyed the game last Friday?"

You nod, "Yeah, sure did!" You cringe at yourself, did that seem too enthusiastic?

You watch as Thomas spins the wheel slightly to round a corner, "I, uh... I noticed you talking with Gally. You guys know each other?"

Your breath hitches within your throat, and you fight off a gasp immediately. You weren't sure if he would take much notice... but apparently he did. "Uh, not really, no." You feel an incredible pain inside you, and the guilt only gets worse. "Just thought I'd get to know some of the team a little better..."

"Hmm," Thomas looks at you for only a moment before his eyes are back on the road, "Well... I know I don't dictate who you talk to Y/N, but I think you should stay away from him."

You swallow nervously and look out the window instead, not wanting Thomas to see you stressing out. "I... How come?"

"Because he's an ass." A pause. "He's just... not a good person. He could be dangerous."

You frown immediately, "Dangerous?"

"Just listen to me when I tell you that Gally isn't someone you should get close to. Stay away from him."

You sink further into your car seat, the panic settling in. You... you're confused. And hurt. Thomas wouldn't say that about just anyone, there has to be a reason. Yes, Gally has been harassing him, but Thomas has also been retaliating, and you thought they were just irritating, practically harmless, pranks. Not something to be called dangerous over, so what's going on?

The rest of the car ride home you both stay silent, an unnerving confusing silent, and all the while you hope the next corner is your street.


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