Chapter Three

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You told Gally to just drop you off at the school, and at first he looked very confused as to why you would want to go back to 'that prison', as he put it, but you explained to him that your plans were seeing the lacrosse game tonight. He only looked out to the field where it was going to be held with curiosity... and then you left.

You trudge over to the stands beside the field, your black boots slowly getting caked with mud from the sloshy puddle of grass you have to walk through on your way over. You spot Teresa and she waves you over; you take a seat next to her and Newt, with Minho and Brenda sitting alongside him. "Where were you all afternoon?"

You place your bag down by your feet, "Oh... just school stuff."

Newt raises an eyebrow, "Oh yeah? What kind?"

You open your mouth but whatever you were going to say is drowned out by the sudden cheers and screams from students and family all over the crowd as your team of lacrosse players come jogging out onto the field. You spot Thomas, his brown head bobbing up and down slightly as he runs with his teammates. You stand up alongside your friends and cheer with the crowd, shouting his name. He notices and looks over to you all, smiling. You smile back.

Minutes later, the lacrosse game begins. You talk with your friends, watch Thomas intently as he swiftly moves around the field, and eat food. You take out your phone from your bag and snap a few selfies with Teresa and Brenda, Newt and Minho, and a few other friends who decided to watch tonight like Alby and Chuck. You take a few action shots of Thomas as he leads the team, and then you sit your phone onto your lap as you pass over more fries down the aisle.

Your phone buzzes, and Teresa's eyes glance down at the screen. She blushes when you catch her looking but... She wasn't the only one. Newt's eyes widen, eyebrows raised, "You were doing school stuff, huh?" You can hear the sarcasm in his voice.

Tomorrow, same time??

"Shove it," You say, unlocking your phone to reply to Gally. "It is just school stuff."

Newt crosses his arms over his chest and Teresa looks doubtfully down at her feet, "I know a booty-call-text when I see one, Y/N."

You glare over at Newt, even though his tone of voice is in a quite noticeably jokingly manner, "It is not a booty-call-text, Newton."

Now it is his turn to glare back.

"And," You go on, ignoring the annoyance that comes when you use the name Newton, "It is just school stuff, like I said before. A group assignment so we have to meet outside of school."

"Sure it is." Newt replies, still obviously irritated.

You shrug and don't reply; instead you stare out towards the field after texting Gally back saying that tomorrow would be all good to do another tutoring session. You think over all that's happened today and almost laugh out loud at the fact that you had rode alongside Gally in his car, and even went to his house. It's strange, really, Gally was never someone you pictured spending any time even talking to let alone going into his house and his bedroom. Sitting on his bed. You shake your head, and then cheer along when Thomas' team wins the game.


"And then, towards the end of your game, Y/N got a text that was very suggestive, wasn't it Teresa?" Newt says excitedly to everyone as you sit in a booth waiting for your burgers. You ordered one, as you only ate a few snacks at the game, however, the boys ate hot dogs and fries and who knows what else; you are finding it hard to believe that they could still possibly be hungry.

Thomas looks over at you, a straw in between his lips as Newt tells the short story of your "private" life. He lets the straw go and says, "I thought you said you weren't going on a date this afternoon?"

Together.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ