Chapter Thirteen

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You drop to your knees. You feel you hand cover your mouth and the tears fall, nausea overwhelms your body instantly. After all this time... Thomas? You hear him calling out your name but you can't bring yourself to put the phone back to your ear.


You swallow, and lift it back up, knowing you have to somehow find out where he is, where Gally is, before it's too late. Thomas is emotional and scared, he might do anything to keep the truth hidden for good. "Thomas, please, I won't say anything to anyone. Just please don't hurt Gally, okay?"

"I can't do that."

"Thomas, please," you beg, "Please, we can figure this out." You hear something in the background, something like a struggle. Something falls over and Thomas grunts out of frustration. Voices are heard, punches are thrown, but in between the mess you can hear gushing water... you can hear someone calling out to you. It's Gally.

"The album, Y/N!" -- "Where we listened to the album!"

You hang up the phone, a new, profound energy in you, you know where they are.


It didn't take you long to reach the diner. Once you opened the doors you bent over, catching your breath back, and when you looked up you saw them. The Grievers. The three of them... You push back your hair and gather all your strength, this is the only way.

You slide into the booth, next to Ben, who jumps with surprise as he sees you.

You eye Dallas who is again across from you. He pushes back loose strands of his greased hair and stares at you hotly, his cheek bones protruding as he bites the inside of his cheek out of irritation. He leans in closer to you, his voice quiet but firm, "You need to leave."

You shake your head, "I'm not going anywhere."

"Get up, now, girlie, before I have to--

You interject immediately, "I know what happened to your five grand." You turn to look at all of them, including Ben, who stares at you intensely. The conversation you both had earlier flashes in his eyes, and something else... fear. You turn back to Dallas, "I know who has it."

He sits back in the booth, a look of distrust crosses his face, "I don't believe you."

"If you come with me, I can show you."

J.D bursts out laughing, "Alright girlie, sure," he continues to laugh until Dallas suddenly shuts him up with one look.

Dallas breathes, "Why tell us?"

You take a breath, "I need your help."

"Course she does," J.D mutters.

Dallas snaps his head to J.D, "Will you just shut up, J.D.?" Silence sits between them both until he turns back to you, "What do you need help with?" He seems to be interested but not at all trusting, yet.

"One of your Grievers... They have my friend." You sit up straighter, preparing for their response, as if readying for impact, "He has my friend, Gally."

They look between each other, silent glances, silent communication. Dallas slowly turns back to you, "You can't guarantee us our money, girlie, so I think you should just leave."

You think for a moment, your brain scrambling for something to do, something you can say that can help them get on your side. That can help them trust you. But nothing can help you. With Gally gone and no shred of evidence, you're stuck. And Gally will be left in the unstable hands of Thomas.

You get up from the booth quietly, feeling the Grievers' stares on your back as you move towards the exit. The waitress from yesterday casting worried glances at you as you proceed to leave... Your hands fall in your jacket pocket and you brush by something cool -- your mobile. Suddenly, an idea sparks. "I can prove it." You say to yourself quietly, and then you turn around and rush back to their table, "I can prove it! I can guarantee." You sit back down and place your phone onto the table, then you snatch up Ben's mobile, "Put voice record on when I say to."

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