15.When your upset

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+panics and isn't sure what to do
+sits down next to u and just holds ur hand
+doesn't press you to talk waits till your ready
+gives your hand soft kisses
+supports you the entire time

+is confused
+wants to know what's wrong but doesn't press you
+holds you in his arms
+kisses your eyelids
+whispers soothing words to you
+"it's okay y/n. Whatever it is, I'll be right here"

+asks you what's wrong
+gets frustrated when you won't say
+instead hugs you to him and puts on some t.v
+rubs your back

+Wipes away your tears
+makes you some tea
+his you tight and kisses all over your face
+sleeps with you (keep ya mind outta the sewer kids, or else Pennywise will deal with chu)

+makes less jokes
+asks you what's wrong
+stops when you won't respond to him
+cuddles with you
+makes up the shittiest jokes just to see your smile

+keeps asking what's wrong
+you refuse to say which results in him getting angry
+"why won't you just talk to me? I can help, I won't leave. I'm not like that shit ex"
+you finally break down and he immediately holds you

+Cuddles with you
+asks what's wrong and you tell her
+hugs you even tighter
+presses kisses to your tears

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