Hickey Prank»Finn W.

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[aged up 17+. Ya still a YouTuber]

"sup hoes! I'm just kidding I love you all. anyways, it's me and I'm back with another video for you, but instead of doing the usual, im gonna be pranking Finn," I giggled at the camera as looked over to the clock, "he's working on some new stuff with his band right now, but he should be back home in about an hour, so let's get started."


"Okay, so basically, I'm pulling the 'fake hickey' prank on him. I've seen a lot of couples do it and I thought it'd be fun, I guess," I nervously laughed at the camera, "just kidding, I'm gonna die. But hey, do it for the vlog, amirite?"

Heading over to the bathroom I began talking about my day as I searched for my make up bag. Setting the camera down I pulled out multiple items I thought would be necessary before sitting down and facing the camera.

"Okay, so I'm not gonna lie and say I haven't had one before, because I mean yeah, of course I have-" I wink into the lens before continuing-"but I've never made a fake one so this'll be interesting. Anyways, I'm gonna use some pink and dark purple and trail a few down my neck to make it seem like someone was all up in there or something."

»»time skip to after the hickey is made««

"Yo! This looks legit. Oh my god, I'm awesome at this!" I exclaimed zooming in on my realistic 'hickey', "guys, Finns gonna blow when he sees this. I mean, our relationship is very trustful, and he knows I'd never do that to him but I don't know-things might get a little woo. It's not that he'll hurt me but Finns a little protective and when he hurt or has doubts he'll like shut down or something so I'm a little worried." I dryly laughed as I placed the camera in my book shelf making sure it wasn't visible but so that the lens would catch everything.

"Now we wait."

»»time skip to when Finns home:p««

"Y/n!" I heard Finn call as I nestled deeper into my covers. Upon hearing his voice I felt a slight chill run down my spine but I suppressed it and moved my hair over a bit so that my neck is visible.

"I'm here, Finn!" I called back turning off my phone anticipating his entry. Giving the camera one last look, I looked over to the door and watched as it opened to show a tired looking Finn.

"Hey baby." He grinned laying on top of me.

"Hey, Finnie." I giggled wrapping my arms around him, "how was your day? Anything good?"

"Tiring, but yeah. Finished a new song and got a cover done." He happily went into detail about his day while I smiled admiring him-forgetting for a second that I was filming a video.

Sitting up I lean back against my headboard-causing most of my hair to fall back revealing my entire neck.

"...and that was my day," he finished smiling up at me, "how was yours?"

"Boring without you. But I got homework done and cleaned up a bit." I ran my hand through his hair as he leaned into my touch, "Hey, wanna watch a movie?"


Getting my laptop I sat down next to Finn and pulled up Netflix and handed him the computer letting him pick what to watch.

»»time skip to half way through the movie««

We were half way through the movie and through it all I was able to feel Finns gaze on me. More specifically on my neck. I could tell he noticed it before we started watching but he didn't say anything.

"This is boring." I sighed as I exited Netflix heading over to YouTube, "wanna watch something else."

"Yeah, as long as it isn't make up tutorials or any of that shit." He grimace thinking about it.

"Shut Up, you love it." I joked playing a random video.


We watched a few and Finn still wasn't anything about my neck so I took my hair and pulled it into a bun, my movements catching his eye.

"Hey baby?"


"What's on your neck?"

"Whats in my neck?"

"I don't know." He sounded a bit annoyed as I grabbed a mirror and checked my neck. Faking a look of nervousness i shrugged.

"Probably fell or something."

"Fell? Are you fucking me right now?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that you fell onto someone's lips."

"What the hell Finn!"

"What? I'm just saying, it doesn't at all look like you fell. So are you gonna tell me the truth?"

"Look Finn, I don't know what it is, even it was a hickey it was probably you!"

"One, no its not because I haven't been around all week and when I was it'd be for short hours. And two, the last time we got heated was two fucking weeks ago. So cut the bullshit."

"I don-"

"Don't. Don't use excuses! Just tell me the truth."

"You seriously think I cheated on you?!"

"I don't know! So tell me, what happened to your neck!"

"I told you! It was you!"

"No it wasn't! I haven't given you one in weeks!"

"Well then I don't know!"

By that point I could tell he was extremely pissed and just barely holding it back.




"Finn it-"

"No. You either tell me the truth, or you leave."

I stared at him in shock for a bit before sighing and crawling over to him.


"Fine." He took a step back and awaited my response.

"It..it's a prank!"


"Look-" i headed over to my shelf and pulled out my camera showing it to him, -"it's a prank baby. It's a prank." I laughed walking back.

"Oh my god," he groaned looking away, "so what? Is that like make up?"

"Yup." I laughed again as he stared at my neck

"C'mere." He mumbled. Walking over I watched as he licked his thumb and ran it over my hickey, completely running it. But I didn't miss the complete look of relief in his eyes.

"Shit, baby. Don't ever do that. You scared me." He whispered pulling me close

"Aw! I'm so sorry! Pleas don't be upset." I hugged him back feeling extremely bad -yet lowkey proud-.

"I'm not mad." He laughed, sending shivers down my back, "but your gonna pay." He breathes into my ear before nibbling on it.

»»to unholy for viewers««

"Alright guys! That was today's video, I hope you enjoyed! And if you did be sure to hit that thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more! I love you guys! Till next time!" I ended my video and tossed my camera onto my bed before looking over to a smiling Finn, "What?"

"Come," he opens his arms and awaited as I slowly approached

"Yeah?" I asked as he wrapped his arms around me holding me close.

"I love you baby."

Numba two! Ik im sry it sucks:p.

But if you want more I'd be happy to do so! And if you have other ideas..


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