95.How You Suprise Them

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+randomly coming over
+your presence always makes him feel x10000 happier
+"sUp jae bae!"
+you can see his eyes lift up
+pulls you in and you guys just stand there hugging on his porch
+his neighbor sneaking pix of u two
+"afternoon Mrs. Jenkins!"

+concert tickets
+if there's one in town or near by you always got tickets
+"hey you heard abt that concert i-"
+you pull out the tickets and throw em at him
+"yes. i. did."
+cutest smile on his face

+you shamelessly spoil him
+makes him so soft but also guilty cos he feels the need to do that to u more
+"it's fine wy. i love you and i don't need presents."
+still gets them
+fills your whole room
+"i didn't know what you'd like so.."

+lotta cute, romantic, comedic gestures
+he loves every single one of them
+especially for when he's leaving for business you have the biggest and most special ones
+he literally cries

+you'll randomly come over at random times
+take him outside
+go all over town
+never in one place for too long
+he loves it
+isn't even surprised most times. literally expects it

+you have great cooking skillz
+always whisking something up
+honestly surprised he's not and air ball
+you mostly make sweets
+he tells you to stop because he wants to stay fit
+next second he's begging for lemon tarts

+they aren't exactly surprising but still
+you'll randomly text her at 3 am
+or in the afternoon
+it even evening
+she never replies but always reads them with a smile
+if she doesn't get one she'll just stare at her phone until she does
+they're usually random
+like updates on wat ur doing
+or just song lyrics

finally made one. follow my insta @_lametoizer

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