54.How long they've liked you before asking you out

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+for 2 months
+he's liked you about three weeks into meeting but never really told you until he finally found the courage
+it was in the driveway of his house
+You were about to leave when he did

+1 month
+likes you since you guys first met
+was to sacred of rejection so he kept his feelings at bay
+Jack spilled the beans
+he at first denied it but soon came clean

+3 weeks
+likes you a couple days after meeting
+never told anyone actually but they all knew except for you [cliche 101]
+You were leaving town for a few days and he came clean the day you were leaving cos he thought since you would be away it would give him time to prepare for your 'rejection'
+you bleeping kissed him then left to the plane while he just stood there like an idiot

+1 1/2 months
+liked you 1 week into meeting
+told you straight up
+went perfectly
+he was such a happy lil bean when he found out you returned his feelings

+5 months surprisingly
+liked you right after y'all met
+nEver told you but all his friends know
+they dropped a Lotta hints but u already know
+one day you just told him outta the blue
+"hey jack. You like me. I like you. It's settled."
+didn't even ask questions just held your hand

+2 weeks
+liked you like 1 week into meeting
+you kinda told him first
+he just kissed you and bAm 💥

+4 months
+she wasn't sure abt her sexuality or abt yours
+one day ata. Sleep over just you two ya told he rya lesbian
+she admitted it too
+leaned in so did you
+*smoochi smoochi
+doing that all night

𝐈𝐓 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora