59.Meeting your family

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+he's nervous
+but exited
+a bit cocky abt it
+"don't worry y/n. They're gone love me"
+they really do love him

+he's hElla nervous
+"can't we reschedule?"
+just stared at your front door for five minutes
+you eventually knock
+it went great, your parents practically love him more than you
+your dad threatened you
+"y/n. If you do ANYthing to break his heart, you are disowned"
+"D A D"

+he's nervous but isn't
+your mom finds him adorable
+your dad's a bit sketchy
+he doesn't care just continues being Wyatt
+your siblings [if you have em] lOve him
+he's acceptable

+he's a gEntleman
+he walks through that door knowing he's gonna nail it
+helps your mom with dinner
+talks to your dad about basketball
+eats with mAnners
+your parents wanna adopt him

+he's exited
+so sure they're gonna love him
+walks in like 'yAzzzuup! I'm the boyfriend'
+your dad likes him cos he's funny
+your mom doesn't coz his jokes

+he's thAt boyfriend
+just comes for food
+only talks when he's asked a question
+it's vEry awkward
+no one really cares that you dating him
+he comes over a lot so they get used to him

+your parents are bIg supporters of lgbqt+
+they lOve her
+she didn't even say anything just smiled
+Treated her like their own
+highly ship you two

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