40.Going LIVE

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+he's watching anime on the floor
+you go LIVE and show him to the viewers
+"and here we have a Jae in its natural habitat."
+he turns around and you dramatically gasp
+"oh no, he's onto us!"
+you run around with him chasing you
+he eventually catches you and you drop your phone but the viewers can still see you guys as he tickles you
+after he stops he kisses you
+the comment section blows up

+he goes on LIVE
+"hey guys"
+he begins talking with with the viewers and answering questions
+"where's y/n?" He reads "oh she's here..I just don't know where..Y/N"
+you walk into the room with a carton of ice cream
+you nestle between his legs and share the ice cream while talking to the viewers
+you got sleepy and he ended it and you guys napped together

+you guys were playing video games with the rest of the cast at his house

+you guys were hanging and decided to go LIVE
+You were having fun making jokes, answering questions, and just being cute
+the fans kept telling you guys to kiss so you finally did
+then he quickly ended the LIVE
+boy were they upsEt

+You were walking his dogs
+he wanted to go LIVE
+you guys were running around the neighborhood like hooligans causing havoc. That's what you thought, you were actually just not picking up the dog shït.
+went to the park
+jokes around and answered questions
+'accidentally' ended the LIVE and went back home

+he was in bed when he went live
+was just chilling with the viewers when you came out of the shower and jumped him
+You were being 'that' couple
+Lotta kewt moments
+the fans didn't mind. They were going crAYzy
+"gotta smash guys. Later"

+You were hanging out with the rest of the cast when Finn went LIVE
+y'all were watching movies
+he put you guys on camera at the same time you kissed

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