Misplaced Chivalry

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Rey grit her teeth and bristled in her seat. She hated this part. The coordinates had been set, the hyperdrive engaged, and there was nothing more she, Chewie, or Finn could do until they arrived. Other than listen to the battle unfolding without them over the comms, that was.

"Taking damage on the south side!" she heard Lieutenant Connix shout.

She closed her eyes, hating this feeling of helplessness.

"We're four minutes out!" she called into the comms, recognizing that length of time to be an eternity in the course of a fight. "Poe, are you and your squadron any closer?"

"Black Leader," came the swift response, "engaged."

Rey nodded grimly, knowing the Falcon and Poe's team were the only reinforcements available for the manufacturing facility currently under attack by the First Order. She had just opened her mouth to suggest Finn should get into position in the gun turret when the weight of the Force connection fell heavily around her, efficiently usurping her vocal efforts and morphing them into a vicious curse.

"That's him, isn't it?" Finn demanded immediately, rising hotly to his feet as Chewie roared his own displeasure. "Tell that—"

"Finn, get down to the turret," Rey commanded, having no patience for his histrionics.

"You're heading toward the battle?" Kylo demanded indignantly.

"What do you expect, Ren?"

Get him off my ship, Chewie snarled, to which Rey had to roll her eyes, knowing the Wookie knew she had no control over that.

"Technically, he's not on your ship, Chewie."

"They know?" Kylo practically shouted. "You told them?"

"Yes," Rey threw back at him, turning for the first time to meet his angry glare and match it with her own. "Because they needed to understand why I was acting so insane all the time. Because I needed them to understand. Now, either shut up or go away. I've got other things to worry about."

Rey did her best to ignore him behind her as she focused on the stars streaking toward them outside the viewport, her eye constantly angling down toward the nav. She could feel his rage boring into her back, and she saw Chewie looking toward the back of the cockpit. Obviously not seeing anything out of place, he snuffled at Rey.

I don't like him being here.

"I know," she told him sympathetically.

Tell him he's not welcome.

"I'm sure he knows."

"Knows what?"

Rey rolled her eyes. "Chewie wants me to tell you you're not welcome here."

"You still can't control it, can you?"

Rey clenched jaw and fist in frustration at the fact that she still hadn't come to exert any measure of control over this damnable bond they shared. She hadn't yet found a way to close the trans-galactic connection, and she presumed she would be equally unsuccessful at initiating one, were she ever so inclined. Kylo, on the other hand, seemed able to come and go as he pleased. What's more, he seemed to have an uncanny knack for showing up right when she most didn't want him there. Such as when she was about to leap into the midst of a First Order skirmish.

"Care to give me any pointers?" she snarled through her teeth. "Are you ready, Finn?"

"Good to go!" came the shout from the lower turret. "Is His Scariness still hanging around?"

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