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Rey had been thrilled when she'd received a message from Finn weeks ago, explaining he'd been granted two days' leave and wanted to spend it with her. As she sat eating her first fresh breakfast of real food in what seemed forever, she smiled as she observed the comfortable and affectionate interaction Finn shared with Poe and Rose. As accustomed as she was to solitude, she'd forgotten how enjoyable it could be to surround herself with people she genuinely liked. She was grateful Finn had made this suggestion, not only for the opportunity to experience this paradise of a planet, but also to alleviate the loneliness that she hadn't realized had accumulated in her psyche. Their company and camaraderie made it all the easier to ignore and move past her conversation with Kylo this morning at the pool.

It was the morning of their second day on Galea, and Rey knew that meant her friends would be leaving. Their two shuttles sat side by side in a clearing barely big enough for them, and the four of them had spent the night out under the stars. Poe had suggested this planet and this location specifically for its isolation and the likelihood they would encounter no other sentient beings during their stay. His advice had been well founded, though Rey couldn't imagine why more people didn't come here, as beautiful and serene as it was. Later on, when their sense of duty made it impossible to delay further, they would leave to rejoin the Resistance and their ongoing war, but Rey was thinking she might stay. Every planet had a port and every port needed mechanics, so why not on this paradise of a planet? Besides, she cherished the idea of being able to return to the pool she'd fallen in love with as soon as she'd seen it. And, maybe...someday...Ben could visit her here too..?


Rey jerked and blinked at the intrusion of Finn's voice, a link of the grilled meat rolling off her plate as a result. She smiled self-consciously at the chorus of good-natured laughter that arose in the wake of her reaction.

"Where are you?" Finn asked with a smile. "You didn't hear a word I said!"

"I was thinking I might stay here after you go," she told them, suddenly eager to see what they thought of the idea. "Well, not here here, but on Galea."

Finn frowned, but Poe brightened, clearly finding merit in the thought.

"Yeah, there's a major spaceport called Floxton," he explained. "It's main industry is tourism. Very ritzy, lots of credits. You should find plenty of work there. And it's strictly neutral. War isn't good for the leisure business, you know."

Rey nodded her appreciation for the information, but she was focused mostly on Finn, who in turn was avoiding her gaze now.

"I thought you'd come back with us," he confessed at length.

"I can't," she sighed gently.

"Yeah, I just thought...hoped... So, nothing's changed?"

When she'd decided to leave the Resistance, Finn had been devastated, even going so far as to refuse to allow her to leave. The only way she'd convinced him to even consider the wisdom in her thinking was if she promised to return once she had figured out how to control her connection to Kylo, either by shutting him down as soon as he showed up or by completely preventing his access to her. She stared down at the remainder of her breakfast, aware he'd expected her to spend all her time attempting to solve that particular puzzle while, instead, the main thing she'd learned is that she didn't necessarily want to shut her supposed enemy out.

"Are you even trying?" Finn demanded in sudden exasperation, tossing his plate aside and standing up.

"Hey, cool it, buddy," Poe interjected, coming to her defense. "Of course she is."

Conflicted: A Reylo FanficWhere stories live. Discover now