Ren's Knight

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Rey finally managed to pull the faulty component with one last tug and an accompanying grunt when she suddenly became aware of a new presence. Twisting to look behind her and out of the ship's cavity in which she'd wedged herself, she saw a figure masked in black. Her heart leapt and her body convulsed, crashing her head into the interior of the hull. She extricated herself quickly, falling to her knees on the scaffolding and spinning to confront Kylo Ren...except it wasn't him.

The figure standing before her was entirely reminiscent of Kylo, with its long, flowing robes and full-faced helmet trimmed in silver-toned metal. But, unless he had decided on a new design for his mask and somehow shaved several inches off his height, this was not Kylo. The realization, however, accomplished little in easing her anxiety as she stared in mute astonishment, waiting to see what would happen next.

"You are Taedra?"

Rey blinked, startled to learn that the figure behind this particular mask was a woman.

"Who's asking?" she demanded, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"You will ask no questions."

Rey stared. She could feel pressure in her mind, pushing her in a particular direction and, though she'd never before felt its effects, knew this must be an attempt at manipulation of her will through the Force. For a moment, fear gripped her as she realized why this strange woman was dressed so similarly to Kylo, but she tamped it down quickly, knowing this cloaked woman could possibly be alert to any strong emotional responses on her part. As for the Force manipulation, she found it easy to resist, although she also recognized the colossal error it would be for her to reveal that truth to the Knight of Ren before her.

"I will ask no questions," she stated in a flat monotone, her face carefully devoid of expression.

"You will come with me."

Rather than respond, Rey obediently stood and jumped the meter from the scaffolding to land next to the Knight, who promptly led her deeper into the landing field. And that's when yet another presence made itself known.

"What's wrong?"

Rey grit her teeth against Kylo's abrupt intrusion, annoyed that she now had to deal with two Knights of Ren, as if one weren't enough. Wiping her hand across her mouth to signal her inability to speak freely, Rey quickly projected an image of the masked woman she followed. If she had been hoping that Kylo would provide reassurance that this woman meant her no harm, she was sorely disappointed when he swore violently instead.

"That's Cerisse," he said, his alarm zinging through into Rey's mind. "What does she want with you? Does she know you're Force-sensitive?"

Rey responded the only way she could: by lifting her hand to scratch at the corner of her mouth.

I can't talk, you dolt! she thought viciously, for all the good it would do.

"She's dangerous, Rey. You can't let her know who you are. Or what you are. You hear me? This is important!"

She nodded briefly, but then the Knight was stopping and turning to address Rey again.

"This is my ship," Cerisse explained. "You will repair my ship with all haste."

"I will repair your ship with all haste," Rey responded dutifully, grateful that her ruse of falling prey to the Knight's Force manipulation could also serve to get Kylo off her back...maybe.

"You will take no food, rest, or other work until after I am safely away."

"I will take no food, rest, or other work until after you are safely away."

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