Ben and Kira

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"Kira Rey!"

The bouncy, happy child of six years spun on her heel, laughing in delight at the call that summoned her through the forest. She'd been playing with the leaves, making them dance and collide in the air, but they dropped quickly as her short attention span was drawn elsewhere.

"Kira!" the distant voice called again. "Where did you go?"

"I'm here!" she called, ducking and laughing as she threaded her way through the underbrush, her feet barely skimming the forest floor in her speed. She knew she wasn't actually flying, but it felt like it and she loved that sensation. But she also realized belatedly that her fleet footedness had carried her much further away than she'd realized.

"Come on!" the older boy with black hair groaned, annoyed as he turned round and round, searching for her.

"I'm here!" she cried as she approached him from behind. "I'm here, I'm here!"

Laughing happily, she leaped into his arms as he turned to find her racing toward him. Although he gave her a stern look, Kira didn't care, knowing he wasn't really angry with her. He just liked to look that way. With another laugh, she kissed him on the cheek.

"Don't be cross, Bennie! The leaves were so pretty!"

"We're late for our meal," he told her grumpily, although he didn't put her down either. "Do you know what Master Luke would do to me if I lost you?"

"It's okay," she told him, still smiling broadly. "You would find me again. You'll always find me, Bennie!"

"Stop calling me that," he grumbled.

"Why? You like it."

He blinked at her, and she didn't understand why that should be such a surprise to him. But she also knew it was true. His heart did this funny little fluttery thing every time she called him Bennie. And she liked making his heart do that. It was fun. She didn't want to stop.

"I don't want anyone else calling me that," he explained after a long pause, his expression still dark and annoyed.

"But no one else is here, Bennie."

"Kira, stop it."

She frowned, not understanding why he would say things that she knew he didn't feel. It made her sad. And it only got worse when he put her down without another word. She bowed her head dejectedly and she knew Ben could sense her disappointment, so he reached down and took her hand in his. She walked with him in silence as they headed back toward the academy, her thoughts skimming over Ben's mood as she struggled to understand what was bothering him.

"What's wrong?" she asked when she couldn't contain herself any longer. "Why are you so angry?"

He sighed and looked up toward the sky, but his fingers also tightened on hers.

"Is it because of that voice you always hear?"

He stumbled to a halt and looked down at her, the intensity in his eyes scaring her. "What voice?"

"The scary, hissy one. You hear it all the time..."

"How do you know about that?" he asked her sharply, crouching down to meet her on her level.

"I can hear it."

He searched her face, his piercing gaze almost frightening her before he finally asked, "Are you in my head, Kira?"

She nodded, shrinking back from him when a flash of anger crossed his eyes.

"You can't do that," he told her firmly.

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