Chapter 7: New Information

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So this was Cam's room, not Sam's. Of course. That's why he disappeared so suddenly after everyone ran out of the school. And no one thinks of him as a suspect since he's only a student. He must be working with Red, I thought. Sam walked over to me confused. I handed him the papers and watched his expression as he read them. His face turned into a look of horror then sadness. His twin brother was a criminal. He sat down on the edge of the bed and read the papers again.

"N-no, they can't be Cam's... he's my brother. We spent so much time together, I would know if he was a criminal. He wouldn't do this." He stammered.

"I'm sorry Sam, but why else would he have these papers?" I replied

"But isn't it odd for them to just be left here, right for anyone to find. Do you think he was framed?"

"I... don't know Sam. Though he does have a 'keep out' sign on his door..."

"I don't believe it. Cam wouldn't be a criminal. He just wouldn't be."

"Do you think we ought to tell the police?" I asked. Sam shot up. "No! No Cam can't go to jail! He's my brother."

"Sam... He's a criminal... a murderer. We have to report this. You know we have to." I said.

"...I know, you're right, but I just can't believe it! I know it's just a misunderstanding! We have to get this sorted out."

Sam and I went back downstairs with the papers to show the others.

"How long does it take to get a controller Devin? The pizzas getting cold, though Charlie's a pig when it comes to pepperoni, there's only four slices left." Natalie said. "Hey! I'm not as bad as you with the cheese! There's only three pieces of that left." Charlie retorted. He turned around and noticed our upset looks. The others turned around too. "What's wrong guys?" Emily asked.

We handed them the papers and sat down across from them. They gasped and gave Sam sympathetic looks. Emily told him "Look it's okay, Cam was in my geography class. He was so nice and quiet, there's no way he's do this! We'll sort it out." I however, wasn't so sure.

We didn't much feel like playing video games after that so we just sat and talked about yesterday and today's events, and what we will do about Cam.

*Monday Morning* (The day of the police questioning)

The five of us met up outside the police station so we could all walk in together. We were all worried about what Cam had or hadn't done. Johnny was already in the waiting room and looked up as we walked in. His arm was in a sling with his shoulder bandaged like mine. Luckily both of our shots were in the best place as neither of us got hit in any bones meaning it was just tissue that needed to heal, not a broken bone.

A policeman walked up to us and spoke "Hello all, thank you for helping us hopefully find the motive for this attack. You will all be taken in for questioning one at a time so I can hear the story from all your points of view. Johnny, you will be first as from what I've heard you were one of the first to interact with Red." Johnny nodded and followed the policeman into a room.

The rest of us sat back and looked at the small television mounted on the wall. The morning news was on so we all listened in.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Melissa Johnson and welcome to 'The Breakfast Show' we hope you are all had a lovely weekend." The presenter said.

Yeah my weekend wasn't exactly one of the best. The news presenter continued,

"Our first story this morning is on the heist at the North Shore High School on Friday afternoon. The students who were taken hostage by convicted murderer Red Santiago and accomplice, Casey Braxton have been taken in for questioning this morning for their side of the story. We have received recent information from police that North High senior student, Cameron Larson is now a suspect to this investigation for his alleged assistance in this crime. We will keep you updated on the verdict of Casey Braxton's trial later this afternoon. Now onto our next story, farmer Peter Nicholls complains about the lack of rainfall this summer..."

We zone out after hearing the news piece on us. How was it the news reporters already knew about Cam being a suspect? We hadn't even told any cops yet. I was also worried about Casey's trial this afternoon. On Saturday I'd called the best lawyer I knew for Casey. But I didn't realize they'd have the trial so soon.

Johnny came out into the lobby twenty minutes later and sat down, apparently we all had to wait for one another afterwards too for a group interview to make sure each-others facts matched. Natalie was called next, then Emily, Charlie, Sam and finally me. After I explained what happened from beginning to end I was told to go and bring the others in. The policeman went through each of our recalled events and we all agreed it was the correct information. He then told us we were free to go except for me. The others said we'd meet up later tonight at Emily's house. I nodded and turned back to the policeman.

"I assume you wonder why I kept you behind." He asked. I said yes. "Well as I'm sure you've heard by now Casey Braxton's trial has been moved right up to this afternoon in light of new information which could prove it was Red forcing him into all the crimes. He could be a free man this afternoon. But the judge has said she wants you to testify since you interacted the most with Casey and she wants to hear your side. You must be at the court at 2.15pm."


Short chapter I know (Exactly 1000 words) but I wanted to separate this chapter from the next one as it fit better than all in one. Chapter 8 will be posted in the morning.

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