Chapter 10: In Hiding

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In the past week that we'd been at the safe house I'd explored the 4 storeys, the basement - for parking and storage of various things, the ground floor - the living areas, kitchen and dining room, the second floor - mostly bedrooms, and third floor - the games room, a cinema, bowling alley and another room for storage.

We'd not been allowed to go outside for any reason at all. And the only technology we'd been allowed to use was the television. I had spent most of the time playing with little Angel, chasing her around the 4 storeys playing hide and seek, and playing with all of her toys. Casey was the coolest big brother to her. He joined in with the games and allowed Angel to give him a Mani Pedi and do his makeup. I know he loved the lipstick on his eyelids and the eyeshadow on his cheeks. I only wish I had my phone to take a picture of him.

Today was a Friday, exactly one week since the lockdown. I had no idea what was happening in the outside world. We'd seen on the news, Red had had his trial and had been sentenced to 15 years with a non-parole period of 10 years. I didn't think it was enough for all the things he'd done. But at least I didn't have to worry about him for at least ten years. We still weren't allowed out of hiding because the police hadn't been able to find Cam, in fact, no one had seen or heard from him since the lockdown. Red's accomplices were also still on the loose.

*Sunday evening*

Casey came and sat down next to me on the couch. We'd spent the last week getting to know one another. I'd found out this was his Uncle Jesse's house but he was away on business for six months so he'd said we could use it for as long as we like. I'd also found out his dad left when he was four and his mum had to raise him and Angel by herself. Casey was a good student and got top in class his senior year. It was only when he did something to Red that he got into trouble. He tried to back out but when Red began threatening Lauren and Angel he had to follow Red's every command. I tried pressing him about what he did to Red but he just shut down and gave me a sad look before changing the subject. I got the feeling there was a bad story but as it upset him so much I left it for now.

Angel came running in while we were watching the first episode of The Big Bang Theory. Casey had found all ten full seasons in the cinema storage cupboard so we decided to start from the beginning since we had nothing else to do.

"Hey guys Mummy says we can order a pizza for dinner! What kind do you guys want?"

I said a Hawaiian and Casey asked for plain cheese. Angel darted back out of the lounge room to tell her mum our orders. Halfway through the second episode of the show the doorbell rang. We heard Angel rushing down the hall towards the door yelling

"Pizza, pizza, the pizza is here!"

My dad followed her to pay. We heard the door open before hearing dad exclaim in surprise.

"Oh sorry I was expecting the pizza delivery; can I help you?" we heard.

Casey and I instantly sat up and turned towards hallway to where my dad was speaking to someone who was obviously not the pizza guy.

"Hang on a second" we heard my dad say before footsteps were heard in the hall. My dad came into the lounge and saw us listening.

"Well I guess you heard all that." He said.

"There's a guy at the door claiming her met you a week ago and had been trying to find you ever since. He said you lost something."

Casey immediately stood and stormed to the door before promptly slamming it in the boy's face. I yelled at him saying it could've been important before opening the door and apologizing to the boy. I recognized him as the boy from the gas station we went to on the way here.

"Hey I know it's weird for me to show up like this but you left your keys at the gas station and I wanted you to have them back so I asked people if they'd seen you passing before someone said they saw you turn into here. I know that's kinda creepy but I also wanted to check if you're alright after being taken away by that guy who shot you. I still don't think you should've gone anywhere with him." He handed me my keys back and turned to leave. He stopped and faced me again before saying

"Hey, by the way, I'm Jordan, could I get your number? I'd love to hang out sometime."

After this Casey pulled the door open before saying

"She's taken. Goodbye."

And slamming the door, then locking it. He walked back to the lounge and plopped down on the couch pressing play on The Big Bang Theory again. I picked up the remote and paused it before facing him.

"What the hell was that? That was so rude!" I yelled.

He stood up and replied "Look, how creepy is it that the guy stalked you down, and if you forgot we're supposed to be in HIDING!"

He was interrupted by the doorbell ringing again. Casey stormed down the hall "Look buddy, I already told you she's tak-" he opened the door and found the pizza guy looking a little startled.

"Oh sorry, I thought it was someone else" Casey told him. He paid him and said goodbye before shutting and locking the door again.

Casey walked into the dining room and placed the boxes on the table. I came up behind him and asked why he keeps saying I was taken.

"Oh... It was uhh... just an excuse to get him to leave. Can't trust anyone these days." He stammered. He then took his pizza and went back to the lounge. I let him go as my parents, Lauren and Angel walked in. We had a humorous meal telling jokes and teasing Angel.

After we'd finished I decided to go to my room and watch the television in there instead of joining Casey in the lounge. On my pillow I found a yellow post-it note saying "Sorry... I was a little jealous. –Casey"

Wait... Casey was jealous? Of who? And why shouldit bother him that Jordan asked for my number? I probably would've given it tohim, he was pretty cute and concerned for my safety. Though I still can't use my phone for another seven weeks, so it probablywould've been a waste anyway.  


Officially the longest story I've ever written. This story is just under 15000 words so far. The most I've written on a story before was about 3000 words. I really hope I completely finish this story. I'll be so proud of myself :)

Well here's Chapter 10! It's a bit of a filler chapter but an exciting chapter is coming up soon.

Also. The picture at the top of this chapter is what I imagine the safe house looking like.

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