Chapter 14: Growing Feelings

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My Dad stayed at the hospital with Mum while Lauren said I must come home with them. I couldn't go home by myself. We pulled up at an expensive looking two-story house. Casey parked in the garage and he led me to the guest room. I said goodnight to Lauren while Casey hung about in the doorway for a second. "What is it?" I asked. "I... hope you have a good sleep." I knew that wasn't what he was going to say but it had been a long day and he looked exhausted.

I nodded and he walked away to his room. It was late, almost 3 in the morning. I fell into a restless sleep and a couple of hours later woke up from a nightmare screaming. Casey came rushing in and wrapped me in a hug. "What happened?" He asked. "I'm sorry. I had a nightmare Red was torturing me and I could do nothing to stop him." He colsoled me until my breathing became more relaxed. He then stood and said goodnight again, "Wait Casey" I said. He turned at the doorway and looked. "Will you stay with me?" I begged. Casey hesitated for a second before coming back towards the bed. He hopped into the other side and wrapped his arm around me. "It's alright. I won't let Red get you." He soothed. "But he got Angel." I said, my voice breaking. He tensed when I said Angel's name. "We'll find her tomorrow. I don't know what the police are doing, but they're not doing enough. I'm going to rescue my sister." I snuggled into his arms and took a deep breath. Perhaps he would be right and we would find Angel tomorrow and everything would be okay.

The next morning, I woke up and Casey was gone. I got dressed and walked downstairs.

I found Casey in the kitchen flipping pancakes by the stove. "Morning" I said. "Hey, I was going to bring breakfast in bed but you're up" He said. I smiled, that was so cute.

I jumped up on a barstool and looked at him. He saw me looking and smirked back before turning off the stove and bringing two plates over to the breakfast bar. "Mum already left to go to the police station. So it's just us. I know you'll want to go see your mum today so after breakfast I thought I'd take you down. I have some business to tend to." He said. I nodded before asking "What business is that?" Casey looked uncomfortable.

I knew he was hiding something. "You're going to find Red aren't you?" I said. Casey sighed. "I've got to kill him. If he's hurt her, I'll never forgive myself for not protecting her." "But you don't even know where to start." I said. "I don't care. I'll search the whole city if I have to, I have to get my sister back." "Then I'm coming with you." "You'll do no such thing! You're not going anywhere Red might be! I'm not risking losing you too!"

I didn't know what to say. Casey leaned in so our faces were centimeters apart. "I... I like you Devin. I can't risk losing you." I gasped. He leaned in closer.

"As much as I hate to break up this lovely moment, I'm afraid Casey and I have some unfinished business." Casey and I whirled around and saw none other than Red leaning against the kitchen doorframe.

I screamed in fright. "Please don't scream hun. That annoying little sister of his has been screaming non-stop since yesterday." Casey roared in anger and shot towards Red. Before Casey reached him, Red pulled out a handgun and pointed it at me.

I gasped and Casey froze. "NO don't shoot!" He yelled. "Alright. I won't shoot you, yet." He said. "Now come along" He motioned towards the door. I looked at Casey and he nodded. He knew Red wasn't playing around. We followed him out the door and he pushed us into the backseat. He turned and faced us. "Give me your cell phones." He ordered. Casey reached into his pocket and I did the same. I knew at this point he would do anything to get Angel back. And with a gun pointed at us, we didn't have any choice but to obey.

"Now if you try anything, remember I still have your precious little sister, I haven't hurt her yet, but if you do something, I can't promise my finger won't slip on the trigger." At least he hadn't hurt her yet.

I tried coming up with a plan but couldn't think of anything that wouldn't get either us or Angel hurt. Red drove for about 20 minutes before we pulled into an abandoned warehouse. He parked around the back and motioned for us to get out.

He pointed to a door and said "Go in there" Casey opened the door slowly and I followed, with Red coming up the rear pressing his gun into my back. We went into a narrow corridor with a single door at the end. "Hurry up, keep going, keep going!" Red barked. Casey continued walking to the end of the corridor and opened the door. It led down to a basement room. "Would you hurry up!" Red said, getting impatient when Casey hesitated at the top of the stairs.

He started down the stairs. As he reached the last step a high voice yelled out. "Casey!!" I looked and saw Angel struggling, tied to a chair. Casey raced over and untied her. He then pushed us both behind him and asked "What do you want from them? It's me you want! Just let the girls go!" he begged. "Oh I'm afraid it's too late for that. See when you took something from me, I must take something from you of equal or higher value. I was only planning to take Angel but this annoying brat got in the way, and as I can see you have a soft spot for her, I think she must go too." Red said evilly.

"Go? Go where?" I asked.

"Oh hunny." Red said raising his gun at my head. "You must go where my wife and son went. And Casey will watch both you and Angel before he goes too." My heart dropped. He was going to kill us all and there was no one to save us this time. Nobody even knew where we were.

Casey screamed. "NO DON'T SHOOT!" He made a run for the gun and a deafening bang sounded in the small basement room. I froze and looked around. The gun was on the ground but we were all still standing. Red gave an evil grin and looked at Casey. I turned my attention to him too and saw him fall to the ground holding his stomach. No. No. No.

Red cackled loudly and said "You're not dying yet." Before sticking his hand over the wound. You will watch the others die first. He turned to reach for the gun but I got to it first.

I stood up straight and pointed it at Red's head. There was no going back now... 


The drama is heating up now... ;-)

And just a little information about the characters as I now realise I've missed some details:

- Casey is 20 years old.

- Red is 38 years old.

- Devin and her friends (Emily, Natalie, Sam, Charlie and Johnny) are in their senior year. They are all 17. 

- Cam is also 17 (as he is Sam's twin.)

- Angel is 6. (I know I've mentioned this before but just a reminder)

Chapter 15 coming tomorrow. <3

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