Chapter 18: The Bomb Drop

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After I heard Casey's story I was quite overwhelmed with all he had done but I understood why he did it. I would have probably done the same to protect my family. Casey looked at me watching my face "You know... you're the first person I've ever told the full story to." He said. "But now you do know the story... Do you hate me?" He asked, looking anxious to hear my answer. "I couldn't hate you. You were protecting the people you love." Casey looked as though a giant weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He grinned at me before leaning in, but just as he was about to make a move, the door opened to reveal Lauren. "Hi guys" she said. She had been out a lot. I think spending time in front of Angel's headstone. Casey cursed under his breath for the interruption and stood up gesturing for me to follow. I stood and as we walked out the door said goodbye to Lauren.

He closed the door and hopped into his car. I got into the passenger seat and looked at him, "Where are we going?" I asked him. "Wait and see" he smiled. "Buckle up"

We pulled out of the driveway and headed onto the highway towards the coast. After a short time, we arrived at the beach. Casey parked the car and opened the door for me. I thanked him and followed him towards a small lookout up on a cliff overlooking the ocean.

Once we made it to the top, I gasped at the view. You could see for miles around. The sun was beginning to set so we had a magnificent view of the sunset. There were a few people down on the beach but nobody else up here at the lookout.

After we'd admired the view for a few minutes Casey faced me looking nervous again. "Devin, I have to ask you something..." He said nervously. "Go for it." I said. The next sentence he said so fast I could barely comprehend it. "Will you go out with me? And before you answer I know you have absolutely no reason in the world to want to, after everything I've put you through but I just thought-" "Yes." I replied, cutting him off. He looked slightly surprised at my answer. "What?" He asked. "Yes. I will go out with you." I said. He grinned and wrapped me in a hug placing a kiss on my forehead. "Also, I have something for you, it's not much but I thought of you when I saw it." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box handing it to me. I looked at him before opening the box revealing a small necklace with a padlock pendant. I laughed when I saw it. After the lockdown, I think it was the perfect gift. I squeezed him into another hug as he placed the necklace around my neck.

We sat up on the lookout and admired the view for a while before heading back to town where he dropped me off at my house. I was grinning while fiddling with the pendant around my neck. "Hey honey." I jumped and looked towards the lounge room. My Mum was laying on the couch watching Grey's Anatomy. She noticed the necklace around my neck and smirked. "Oooo is that from who I think it is?" She asked. I blushed and used my hair to cover my red face. She laughed. It was nice to hear my Mum laugh again. It seemed I hadn't heard her laugh in a long time. She was doing very well after the incident and was nearly fully recovered. She just had to take it easy for a few weeks, no heavy lifting and such. "I sat down on the edge of the sofa and told her where I went and what Casey said. She grinned happily, "I have to say, I never thought I would be happy about you dating a bad boy but after he saved your life and mine, he's starting to grow on me." She said. I think I took that as her blessing.

I skipped upstairs and got ready for bed.

When I woke up in the morning I found a text from Casey from 20 minutes ago. "We're going on a date. I'm picking you up in 30. Be ready. – Casey" That meant I had ten minutes to be ready. I darted out of bed and sped around my room picking out an outfit and applying a bit of mascara and eyeliner, before the doorbell rang. I picked up my phone and headed down the stairs towards the door. But Mum had got to it first. "Hello Casey. I see you're here to take my daughter on a date hmm? And where will you be taking her?" She asked. "Muuum!" I whined. "Please can we go?" "Yes, you may go once Casey answers my question." Casey smiled. "I'm afraid that's a secret for Devin, Mrs. Andrews." He leaned in close to her ear and I'm assuming whispered where he was taking me. "Oh yes! I love that place!" My mother clapped her hands in excitement. "You two have a good time." She waved. 

I sat in the passenger seat and waited for Casey to take me to this mystery location. After ten minutes we pulled up to a cozy looking Italian restaurant. How did he know Italian is my favorite? Casey jumped out and opened my door for me. I grinned at him and stepped out. Once we were seated and the waitress took our orders I asked him, "How did you know Italian was my favorite?" He chuckled. "How do you think? I asked your Mum." "Oh." I said. Why didn't I think of that? After the most delicious meal we went for a walk around the gardens in the park. We spend the whole day just enjoying doing random activities together, like feeding the ducks, which I hadn't done since I was small and going to a skate park and going to an animal shelter to pet all the animals. Then after a small argument with Casey trying to convince me not to adopt all 4 kittens then finally settling for a goldfish, he dropped me off home with Goldie in a bag.

One Month Later

Casey and I had now been on another 3 dates. The most memorable one was going to a fair that was in the town over from us. The best part was where you could buy a balloon with a toy inside. We found the perfect mermaid toy and knew it would have been perfect for Angel. We ended up getting the balloon and stopped at the Cemetery and tied the balloon to her headstone. I think she had more flowers than a florist would. So many people loved the beautiful, bubbly little girl. I was still heartbroken she was taken so young.

I woke up one Saturday and went downstairs to make my breakfast. Mum and Dad were supposed to be at work but I found them both sitting at the dining table waiting for me. They looked up when I entered. "What? What is it?" I asked. "Devin, please sit down." My Mum said. My heart dropped. This can't be good news.

"Okay so you know how I haven't been feeling well recently?" Mum said. "Yeah..." I said, scared at where this was going. "Well I went to a doctor and he found something..." She continued. No no no, she can't be sick.

"Relax Devin, it's nothing bad." She smiled. I sighed in relief. "So what is it then?" I asked. She took a breath before letting the bomb drop,

"I'm pregnant again."    


Second update today! You're Welcome ;)

There is now two chapters left of this book! I'm so proud to have made it this far. My goal for the story is 30,000 words. So far I'm at 26,700 words so expect the next two chapters to be very long! 

I might write a bonus chapter showing life in the future for everyone but at the moment, I will not be writing a sequel. 

Chapter 19 coming tomorrow.

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