Chapter 12: The Enemy Approaches

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After Casey phoned the police, we were told we are, under no circumstances to leave the house. And we must stay at the safe house until the police deem it safe for us to leave. That could be in a week or 3 months. It all depends how long it takes to find Cam.

It was almost 6pm so my mum and Lauren decided to make dinner. My dad, Casey and I stayed in the lounge room and watched the end of a Die Hard movie. I flinched as John McClane shot himself in the shoulder to kill the bad guy. I touched the bandage on my shoulder where Casey shot me a few weeks ago. It was healing well but I had to keep the bandage on to prevent any infection.

After a delicious steak dinner, we went back to the lounge to watch the news to see if Cam had been caught. A reporter was standing outside the mall we were at a few hours ago. She explained police had gone to the stairwell where Casey said he'd left Cam but no one was there. There was blood on the stairs where he must have hit his head on the way down. They then showed the security camera footage of me being dragged away by Cam, then Casey coming to the rescue. It cut off before Casey pushed him down. The reporter then moved onto another story before asking if anyone had any information on the whereabouts of Cam, they should call the police immediately.

We tuned out as the reporter moved on and we began talking to one another about where we think Cam is now. On the way back from the mall we checked our mirrors all the time to make sure we weren't being followed.

Towards the end of the news the same reporter came back on though this time she was standing beside the highway. 

She began "New information has just been received that Cam was seen in a car driving down this highway in the direction of where Devin Andrews is on holiday with her family in a house on the outskirts of San Diego. She is believed to be staying with Casey Braxton who shot her in the North High School shooting a few weeks ago. The two were spotted driving into this house and it is believed Cam may be on his way to find them. Police suspect he is working with convicted criminal Red Santiago. They are now trying to track him on the highway." 

My parents, Lauren and I looked very worried. Casey however, looked furious. Cam was on the way to us, and even if he wasn't coming to us, and was just travelling along that highway anyway, the reporter just told the nation where we are staying and showed a picture of the house. We are no longer safe here.

At that moment the phone rung. Casey grabbed it and put it to his ear. "Yeah?" he said angrily. After a pause he yelled "You're a bit fucking late with that news asshole!" Before hanging up and throwing the phone onto the coffee table. He sighed angrily before turning to us. 

"That was the police warning us Cam is coming to us, though I have no idea how the national news found that out before the police. We have to move now! I don't know how long ago Cam left the mall but he should be close."

We all hurried to pack our things and shut off the lights. We met by the stairwell leading to the basement garage. 

"Okay now we have to hurry. Devin, you're with me in your car with Angel and mum, and your parents in their car." Casey ordered. 

"We'll have to leave my car behind as Red and Cam probably already know what it looks like and it'll be too easily spotted." 

We all nodded and made our way towards the cars. I hopped in the passenger seat while Angel and Lauren sat in the backseat. Casey put up the garage door and my parents began to follow. We'd made it a quarter way down the driveway before we heard an almighty crash. I turned around and screamed. My parents windshield had been shattered and glass was everywhere. I couldn't even see if they were okay. 

I went to open the car door to go to them before Casey grabbed my hand back. 

"What on Earth are you doing?" Casey yelled. 

"What does it look like?" I yelled back 

"My parents could be dead, or hurt, I have to help them!" 

Casey took my hand away from the door handle and looked around outside the car uneasily. 

"Look. You have to get back to the house. Jump over to my seat and drive back to the underground carpark. Make sure no one follows you in. I'll help your parents." He said quickly. "Someone's out there, probably Cam. I have this, I'll be fine." He said before pulling a bullet proof vest out from under the seat. "When did you put that in my car?" I asked. "Oh for gods sake, no time to explain now, hurry get back to the garage and put the door down as soon as you're inside." "But how will you get back in?" I asked, but he was already gone, running towards my parents car.

Lauren yelled at me when I hesitated. "GO GO GO!" I put the car into drive and floored it back to the garage. As soon as I was inside I pressed the button to make the door go down. 

We jumped out making sure no one was coming through and as it got to the last meter three figures ran inside. Lauren, Angel and I screamed and ran towards the stairs to the rest of the house. We slammed the door and shot the bolt home. Then hurried towards the top of the stairs. Just as I was about the shut that door too we heard a yell. 

"Devin, hurry! It's me, let us in quick! Your mum's hurt!" Casey yelled. 

I ran back down the stairs and unbolted the door. I covered my mouth as I saw my beautiful mother unconscious with a large shard of glass poking out of her chest. I quickly helped Casey and Dad drag her up the stairs before bolting each door behind us. We got her up to the second story of the house and laid her on a bed. Lauren was already on the phone to the police and ambulance.

I felt tears streaming down my face as I looked at her lifeless body. "She's still breathing Devin. But only just." My Dad said after checking her pulse. Lauren and I put pressure on the wound while my Dad and Casey ran back downstairs to see if Cam was anywhere about outside. After ten minutes they returned. "We couldn't see any trace of anybody" My Dad said. Casey sat down beside my mother to check her wound before looking up and then all around the room.

"Hey where's Angel?" He said, his voice slowly rising. We all looked around the room. She was no where to be seen. Lauren went white. "Angel! Angel!!" She yelled with panic in her voice. Suddenly we heard a high pitched scream of terror before hearing a car door slam. Casey darted to the window facing the driveway. He saw a man jumping in the front seat of a sleek black car before turning to face the window he was looking out of. Even in the dim evening light Casey saw him give an evil smile before revving the engine and speeding away.

Casey sprinted down the stairs. I quickly followed, but it was too late. The car was gone.

I turned to try and find where the man got in the house but saw no signs of breaking and entering. As I turned to face the window next to the front door I spotted something on it. I walked closer before letting out a scream.

Casey was by my side at once asking "What is it?" before he noticed it. There were words written on the window and Angel's mermaid necklace she always wore hanging on the doorknob.

Casey dropped to the floor with his head in his hands after he read the words shouting "No! No! No! They've taken her!"

The words read,

"You destroyed something I love. Now I will destroy something you love."

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