Part 2

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Jesse's POV

I had to move quickly, the next lesson was starting soon, and I needed to have a little chat with little McHanzo over here. McHanzo... I like that name. "Darlin'? Can I speak to you for a second?" Hanzo stopped in his tracks and looked up at me, clearly frustrated. "I've been noticing that'cha distracted, something's on your mind, right?" Just for a second it looked like he would spill it out, but he took it in him and ignored me. He walked past me and into his next class. If I remember correctly, he should have english now. My head sunk, I hated gym, which my next lesson is.

To my surprise, we were just gonna run tracks. That cleared my head, and my stress just vanished. I really didn't like dodge ball, baseball, basketball, football or anything that has balls in it. (That sounded way more inappropriate than intended.) The lesson was quite fun, but the con about it was all the sweating. Luckily for me, we had showers. I always felt weird when I showered with other guys. With Sombra, it was just something sibling did, so it wasn't weird. But when Morrison or Reyes wanted to take a shower, I was waaaaaay back in a corner trying not to think much of it. I finished and went to my last class. (There's kind of a time skip between the first lesson and this one) On my way, I saw Hanzo. I was intrigued to talk to him, but I knew he needed space.

Hanzo's POV

After my english lesson, I could feel a stare bore into my head, and I knew it was Jesse. 'Should I invite him to study? No, my dad won't allow it.' I thought sad to myself. Then an idea struck through me. I stopped in my tracks, waiting for Jesse to walk past me. I caught up to him and asked. "I've... um... noticed that your grades are dropping. Maybe we could... um" Jesse already grinned like a fool. "Of course I wanna study with 'ya." "How..." I put that behind me. "I don't think my house would be an option" Jesse studied my face. "Something's going on, I know it" I hid my embarrassment in my scarf. As soon as I stepped through the main entrance, an ice cold wind made me shiver. "Here ya go" Jesse put a warm jacket around me, so he only walked in a t-shirt. It smelled like him. "You shouldn't..." Jesse was still grinning. "It's alright, darlin'. I can tackle the cold"

We arrived at Jesse's house later that day. His two fathers, Morrison and Reyes, welcomed me. "Sombra is mostly a shut-in, so we won't see much of her" I felt a light tingling on my left arm, where the tattoo of my dragons was. 'Don't come out now, please' I thought to myself while following Jesse up the stairs. He opened a door and revealed a very messed up room. A lot of clothes was spread around, but I really didn't care. The smell overwhelmed me, and I didn't wanted to leave... ever.

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