One-shot: Notes

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Jerry had been hanging out at the palace a little more frequently and... let's just say... he'd noticed some things.
Things about Steve and Danny. A certain tension that seemed to fill the room whenever they were standing a little too close or maintaining eye contact for a little too long.

As soon as Steve and Danny had left for lunch, he turned to Kono.
"Psst, Kono... call me crazy, but... I have this theory. I believe..." He paused for dramatic effect, "that Danny and Steve have been secretly dating for a while now."

Kono couldn't hold back a laugh. "Well, you got two things wrong. 1, they're not dating; and 2, it's not a secret." she corrected him, giving the gigantic man a pat on the shoulder.

Jerry just looked at her in confusion. "Wait, are you saying... it's not a secret that they're not dating??" He frowned. "That doesn't make much sense to me."

Him being so serious about this made Kono laugh again. "No, Jerry. I mean everyone knows they've got a thing for each other. Well, everyone except for them; I'm pretty sure they both think the feelings aren't mutual."

"Very interesting" Jerry hummed, "very interesting indeed."
With that, he turned around and left.
Kono could only shake her head at the dorky guy, wondering what he was going to do with this information.

When Steve and Danny came back from lunch, they went back to their respective offices to do some paperwork.

Danny threw the empty box of coco puffs that they had shared on their way back into the trash can and sat down at his desk, when a little piece of paper caught his eye.

"Well, that wasn't there before" he murmured to himself, deep lines forming on his confused face.

He picked it up.
It was a little note. Printed; no handwriting that could have told him more about who it was from. And no signature either.

But the weirdest thing was what the note said: "I know you like Steve. And I know he likes you too, so go ahead and tell him already."

Shaking his head, Danny put the note aside and returned to his paperwork.

At the same time, Steve found a very similar note in his office. Printed, no signature. And the same weird message.

Danny was really trying to focus on his paperwork, but the little note just wouldn't stop bothering him.
He picked it up again, reading it over and over again while pacing around in his office, when Steve suddenly walked in, almost knocking Danny down with the door.

"Whoa! Ever heard of knocking?" Danny quickly tried to hide the note behind his back but Steve snatched it out of his hand.

"Gimme that! Is this... you got one too??" Steve threw up his arms in disbelief. What the heck was going on??

Danny, who was now leaning on the edge of his desk, ran his hands over his face.

After a few moments of staring at each other in uncomfortable silence, Danny finally spoke up, crossing his arms. "Is it true?"

Steve was now examining the notes very closely and didn't even bother to look up. "What?"

Danny swallowed. "I, uh, I said... is it true... that you, uh... 'like' me?"

Finally, Steve looked up, awkwardly attempting a confident smirk that turned out more like a lopsided smile.
"I mean, yeah, I do, but-"

Danny opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Steve babbled on. "How would someone know about that and if they're right about me then they're probably right about you too but WHO IN THE-"

"Shush, Steven" Danny interrupted him, taking a few steps toward him and raising his hands. The look on his face was strange. Concerned? Pained? Even desperate?

"Will you just shut up and let me do this? Please?"
Steve furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Do wha-"
He couldn't even finish his sentence as he was interrupted by two strong but tender hands gripping his face and a pair of soft lips surrounded by light stubble gently being pressed against his mouth.

Steve didn't fight it. He smiled into the kiss, happy like a teenager getting his first kiss.
When they pulled apart, he beamed at the shorter man who was looking up at him with the fear of rejection flickering in his eyes. "You know what? I don't care who it was, let's just do that again."

And with those words, he leaned back down to Danny, gripping his shirt and pulling him in for a second kiss.

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