One-shot: Wanna bet?

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Danny shook his head. "I don't think you can do it, man. It's impossible."

Lou gave him an offended look. "What makes you think I don't have the self control? I mean, it's just one week."

"Yeah, but you're a cop. Cops eat donuts, that's how it's always been and how it will always be; and malasadas are basically donuts," Danny ranted on.

"What are you two arguing about?" Steve asked as he stepped out of his office.

"My wife wants to put me on a diet and she wants me to start," Lou sighed, "by not eating malasadas or coco puffs for a week. And Mr. Williams here-" he pointed at Danny, "-doesn't think I can do it."

Steve gave Danny a confused look. "Really, Danny? This is Lou Grover we're talking about here. If anyone can do it, it's him."

"Oh yeah? Alright, you wanna bet?" Danny taunted him. "If I win, I get to drive my own car for a month, how's that?"

Lou walked towards the door. "You ladies figure this out for yourselves; I'm getting lunch. A salad, in case you were wondering."

After Lou had left, Steve suddenly had an idea. He knew what would really mess with Danny. Plus, he really really wanted it no Steve don't think that!

"Alright," he regarded Danny with a confident smirk. "If I win, you-" he pointed at his partner, "-owe me..." he paused, testing Danny's patience, "...a kiss."

"A k- a kiss?!" Danny looked at Steve like he was crazy. "Are you sure you're okay?" He tried to put his hand on Steve's forehead and feel his temperature, but the SEAL dodged him, laughing.

"Well, you always say you hate me, so I figured this would be the best way to annoy you." He shrugged. "But if you're so confident about winning, this shouldn't be a probl-"

"Deal," Danny interrupted him, holding out his hand for Steve to shake.

Confused, Steve took Danny's hand and shook it. "O-okay, deal. Yeah. Deal."

"But- but just to clarify," Danny added, "you mean, uh, you're talking about a-  a kiss on the mouth?"

Steve nodded, and there was that smirk again that was so goddamn sexy - no Danny, self control!!

~~~ one week later ~~~

Danny was waving a box of malasadas in front of Lou. "Please, just one? I won't tell your wife!"

But Lou shook his head. "Why is this so damn important to you?"

Lou didn't know what was at stake, and Danny intended to keep it that way. "Do- do you remember the last time I drove my car while Steve was with me? Because I don't."

"You know what," Lou suggested,"I'm gonna eat one of those malasadas. In exactly-" he glanced at his watch- "one minute and twenty-three seconds, when this damn week is over."

Before Danny could answer, he felt someone take the box out of his hands. He hadn't even seen or heard Steve enter the room.

"No cheating, Danno." He took a malasada from the box and bit into it.

"Those weren't for you! And by the way, I wasn't cheating, I was just-"

"Aaaaand the week's over." Lou snatched the box out of Steve's hands and left the building, savoring the first bite of malasada in a week.

"Alright, looks like I won." Steve stretched out his arms, gesturing for Danny to come closer. "Bring it in."

"You're serious about this, huh?" Danny thought for a second. "Okay, but here? Now?"

Steve just shrugged. "We're the only ones left in the building. It's Friday, everyone's gone home."

Danny looked around. Dammit, he was right.

He shuffled closer, not sure what to do next. Slowly, he brought his hands up, resting them on Steve's biceps.
He hesitated. "But- no tongue."

Steve nodded. "Whatever you say."

Ah, fuck it.

Danny leaned forward, determined to make this quick and painless. But when his lips touched Steve's, he didn't want to pull away just yet, lingering for a few seconds. His heart was beating so violently, he was sure Steve could hear it. Finally, he pulled away, their lips parting with a soft smack.

He looked at Steve, holding his breath.

"Wasn't so bad, was it?"

Danny looked at Steve, his confusion turning into understanding. "No," he chuckled softly, "it wasn't."

Steve thought for a second. "You know what, Danno? I'll still let you drive for one week, okay?"

"You- you almost -almost- deserve another kiss for that, Steven."

"Two weeks."

"Come here, you goof."


Aaahhh this is a tiny bit longer than the other one-shots but I had so much fun writing this and I hope you had fun reading this xx

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